I’ve written a long function, and according to https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/, I rewrote it with some functions to avoid the global variables. The performance is nicer now. My questions are, does the cost of function call matter in Julia? Is writing so many function necessary? how can I optimize my code (I found the line @. prop_e = cis( ele * (xplusy * dt/2.0)) and the “get momentum” part might be the bottleneck and the @threading strategy seems unsuitable because the gc time is very large)?
The code is
function evolution(u::Array{Complex128})
t = Array((1:nt) * dt)
ele = map(GetEleField, t)
save("elefield.jld", "t", t, "ele", ele)
x, p = xpgrid()
########### common part
p_fft! = plan_fft!( similar(u), flags=FFTW.MEASURE )
prop_x, prop_p = operation_real_evolution(x, p)
prop_e = similar( prop_x )
r_a = 750 #ngrid * dx /2.0 - 80.0
δ = 15.0
r_sp = 120.0
δ_sp = 10.0
absorb = Array(Float64, ngrid, ngrid)
splitter = Array(Float64, ngrid, ngrid)
xplusy = Array(Float64, ngrid, ngrid)
for j in 1:ngrid
for i in 1:ngrid
xplusy[i, j] = x[i] + x[j]
absorb[i, j] = (1.0 - out(x[i], r_a, δ ))* (1.0 - out(x[j], r_a, δ))
splitter[i, j] = out(x[i], r_sp, δ_sp) * out(x[j], r_sp, δ_sp)
##### splitting
pp = similar(p)
A = -cumsum(ele) * dt
A² = A.*A
uo = zeros(Complex128, ngrid, ngrid)
up = zeros(Complex128, ngrid, ngrid)
for i in 1:nt
step_evolution_real!(u, p_fft!, prop_x, prop_p, ele[i], xplusy, absorb, prop_e)
########## get momentum
if i % 3 == 0
@. uo = (u * splitter) * cis(A[i] * xplusy)
p_fft! * uo
pp .= (p.^2/2.0) * (nt-i) .+ p*sum(@view A[i:nt]) + sum(@view A²[i:nt])/2.0
for j2 in 1:ngrid
for j1 in 1:ngrid
uo[j1, j2] = uo[j1, j2] * cis( -dt * (pp[j1] + pp[j2]) )
up .+= uo
########### end get momentum
if (mod(i, 400) == 0)
println(100*i/real(nt),"%, time = ", now())
out(x, r_a, δ) = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp( -(abs(x) - r_a) ./δ ))
function step_evolution_real!(u::Array{Complex128, 2},
p_fft!::Base.DFT.FFTW.cFFTWPlan{Complex128, -1, true, 2},
prop_x::Array{Complex128, 2}, prop_p::Array{Complex128, 2},
ele::Float64, xplusy::Array{Float64, 2},
absorb::Array{Float64, 2}, prop_e::Array{Complex128, 2})
@. prop_e = cis( ele * (xplusy * dt/2.0))
u .*= prop_x .* prop_e
p_fft! * u
u .*= prop_p
p_fft! \ u
@. u *= prop_x * prop_e
u .*= absorb
function operation_real_evolution(x::Array{Float64, 1}, p::Array{Float64, 1})
prop_x = Array{Complex128}(ngrid , ngrid)
prop_p = Array{Complex128}(ngrid , ngrid)
for j in 1:ngrid
for i in 1:ngrid
prop_x[i, j] = cis( -(dt / 2) * Potential(x[i], x[j]) )
prop_p[i, j] = cis( -(dt / 2) * (p[i]^2 + p[j]^2) )
prop_x, prop_p