Does Julia have fast expectations over multivariate Gaussians?

The following approach using HCubature.jl seems rather slow. Is there an easy way to make this faster in Julia?

using BenchmarkTools, HCubature, Distributions
softplus(x) = log(exp(x) + 1)
function integrand(r1, r2, u; f = softplus)
    let n = MvNormal(zeros(2), [1. u
                                u 1.]),
        f = f, r1 = r1, r2 = r2
           x -> pdf(n, x)*f(r1 * x[1])*f(r2 * x[2])
integral(f) = hcubature(f, (-15, -15), (15, 15), atol = 1e-9)
f = integrand(1., 1., .3)

julia> @btime integral(f)
  17.225 ms (441288 allocations: 21.25 MiB)
(0.7266538753041055, 9.999992783800257e-10)

I guess this specialized Fortran code would be faster, but I didn’t try (my Fortran is a bit rusty).

I don’t have any optimal solution, but the below code is approximately 2.5x faster, using StaticArrays, though with less effect than I anticipated.

Why did you put a let block inside the integrand function, btw?

using StaticArrays
function myintegrand(r1, r2, u; f=softplus)
    p = MvNormal(SA[0.0, 0.0], SA[1.0 u; u 1.0])
    return x -> pdf(p, x) * f(r1 * x[1]) * f(r2 * x[2])
g = myintegrand(1.0, 1.0, 0.3)

julia> @btime hcubature($g, (-15, -15), (15, 15); atol=1e-9)
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Thanks, @DNF.

With some modifications and Cuba.jl I get something pretty fast (but it’s not ForwardDiffable…)

using Cuba, BenchmarkTools, HCubature

softplus(x) = ifelse(x < 34, log(exp(x) + 1), x)

chofv(x) = ((2x-1)/((1-x)*x), (2x^2-2x+1)/((1-x)^2*x^2))
mvnormal(c, x, sinv) = c*exp(-1/2*(sinv[1, 1]*x[1]^2 + sinv[2, 2]*x[2]^2 + 2*sinv[1, 2]*x[1]*x[2]))
function mvnex_integrand(f, u)
    c = 1/(2Ď€*sqrt(1-u^2))
    sinv = inv([1 u
                u 1])
    ret = [0.]
    function(x, ret = ret)
        y1, dy1 = chofv(x[1])
        y2, dy2 = chofv(x[2])
        if isinf(y1) || isinf(y2)
            ret[1] = 0.
            ret[1] = mvnormal(c, (y1, y2), sinv)*f(y1, y2) * dy1 * dy2
mvnex(f, u; kwargs...) = cuhre(mvnex_integrand(f, u); kwargs...)[1][]
mvnex_hcub(f, u; kwargs...) = hcubature(mvnex_integrand(f, u), (0., 0.), (1., 1.); kwargs...)[1]
f = (x, y) -> softplus(x)*softplus(y)
julia> @btime mvnex(f, .3, atol = 1e-9, rtol = 1e-9)
  957.658 ÎĽs (45521 allocations: 1.39 MiB)
julia> @btime mvnex_hcub(f, .3, atol = 1e-9, rtol = 1e-9)
  5.126 ms (139850 allocations: 5.26 MiB)

Can’t you do a similar rewrite for Hcubature? The current code looks pretty suboptimal, with single-element vector, and no StaticArrays.

In fact, I did the same rewrite with HCubature (see updated example above) and got something slightly faster than your example. However, Cuba is still more than 5 times faster.

EDIT: fixed rtol in the the example above.

What’s the deal with the single-element array, ret? That seems like something that would have a negative performance impact.

Oh, that’s because Cuba expects and integrand of this form (see here). It doesn’t really have an impact on HCubature, i.e. I get basically the same timings with

function mvnex_integrand_hcub(f, u)
    c = 1/(2Ď€*sqrt(1-u^2))
    sinv = inv([1 u
                u 1])
        y1, dy1 = chofv(x[1])
        y2, dy2 = chofv(x[2])
        if isinf(y1) || isinf(y2)
            mvnormal(c, (y1, y2), sinv)*f(y1, y2) * dy1 * dy2
mvnex_hcub(f, u; kwargs...) = hcubature(mvnex_integrand_hcub(f, u), (0., 0.), (1., 1.); kwargs...)[1]