The sound analysis mode should catch the possible throw, I guess, but it actually produces a possibly overwhelming amount of output. Try @report_call mode=:sound triu(S).
I don’t think Jet.jl can reasonably detect these kinds of error and I somewhat doubt that it is a useful question to ask in the first place. This error is essentially a problem with a specific value in the matrix. So whether a given indexing operation fails or not is specific to the array you are indexing. I think the only two options are to mark either none or all calls to getindex of an Array supporting #undef.
Or is there some mechanism that can track whether undefined references can exist at all? That might help a bit. I seem to remember that I read some github discussion about some compiler optimization in this direction once… I’ll try to find it.
But even then I don’t think checking for possible UndefRefErrors is fruitful. An example:
function chaseIndex(arr)
at = first(arr)
while checkbounds(Bool, arr, at)
at = arr[at]
return at
Determining for a given matrix whether you reach a contained #undef is basically equivalent to running the function on that input and checking whether it throws. So I think, you will never be able to make a meaningful static check of UndefRefError. Either you report every getindex as potentially throwing or you don’t. The latter seems preferable to me.
Edit: I think what I read was not about undefined values in an array but rather for a struct. A struct tracks which of its fields could potentially be left undefined.
@abraemer I suggest checking out the JET.jl docs on the sound analysis mode, and also aviatesk’s blog if you’re interested in this:
The idea with the sound analysis mode is that an error is reported when JET couldn’t prove there’s no error (throw).
Yes, as I said already, this can produce an overwhelming amount of output, but in some cases it might be useful, perhaps for workflows targeting a GPU or microcontroller.