I want to build an html documentation locally, it will never be on any server.
I execute the command:
Content of make.jl:
using Documenter: makedocs
if ! isfile(dst)
cp(src, dst)
elseif readlines(src) != readlines(dst)
cp(src, dst; force=true)
authors="Uwe Fechner <u.fechner-1@tudelft.nl>",
sitename = "LearningControl",
doctest = false,
remotes = nothing,
"Readme" => "index.md",
"Tutorial" => "tutorial.md",
"Functions" => "functions.md"
This works fine, but I get the following warning:
[ Info: HTMLWriter: rendering HTML pages.
┌ Warning: Unable to determine the repository root URL for the navbar link.
│ This can happen when a string is passed to the `repo` keyword of `makedocs`.
│ To remove this warning, either pass a Remotes.Remote object to `repo` to completely
│ specify the remote repository, or explicitly set the remote URL by setting `repolink`
│ via `makedocs(format = HTML(repolink = "..."), ...)`.
└ @ Documenter.HTMLWriter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/html/HTMLWriter.jl:707
Any idea how to get rid of this warning? I have no repository root URL.
In the browser I user the URL http://localhost:8000/