I am starting a new repository on Github, https://github.com/mantzaris/BenchmarkDataNLP.jl, and it compiles and the Github actions work etc, but on the site’s deployment: https://mantzaris.github.io/BenchmarkDataNLP.jl/, you can see that the documentation has a limited set of the page’s expected structure, the links are not shown etc but the page is there being served.
This is the make.jl:
using Documenter
using BenchmarkDataNLP
sitename = "BenchmarkDataNLP",
format = Documenter.HTML(),
modules = [BenchmarkDataNLP],
repo = "github.com/mantzaris/BenchmarkDataNLP.jl.git"
the index.md:
# BenchmarkDataNLP.jl
## Introduction
`BenchmarkDataNLP.jl` is ...
## Functions
Modules = [BenchmarkDataNLP]
Private = false
Order = [:function]
is there something I am missing?
could someone take a look at the code and spot what is missing or astray? docs code link
is it maybe the documentation.yml that is not set up correctly to point to all the build files? The actions all pass with green.