1- Thanks for solving this.
2- I had done it but in the makecpt.jl
file and not in index.md
3- But there is more to it. If I keep it without an empty line in the jldoctest, as in
julia> cpt = makecpt(range="-1/1/0.1");
julia> (size(cpt.colormap,1) == 20) && (cpt.colormap[1,:] == [0.875, 0.0, 1.0])
than it still errors, but it’s complicated to see because running the make.jl
fails one every other run (and it starts by failing). Next runs only show the ERROR: LoadError: stat: operation not permitted (EPERM)
one yes one no but no more doctest error.
julia> cd(Pkg.dir("GMT") * "/docs")
julia> include("make.jl")
Documenter: setting up build directory.
ERROR: LoadError: stat: operation not permitted (EPERM)
[1] stat(::String) at .\stat.jl:69
[2] isdir at .\stat.jl:279 [inlined]
[3] runner(::Type{Documenter.Builder.SetupBuildDirectory}, ::Documenter.Documents.Document) at c:\j\.julia\v0.6\Documenter\src\Builder.jl:90
[4] dispatch(::Type{Documenter.Builder.DocumentPipeline}, ::Documenter.Documents.Document) at c:\j\.julia\v0.6\Documenter\src\Selectors.jl:164
[5] cd(::Documenter.##2#3{Documenter.Documents.Document}, ::String) at .\file.jl:59
[6] #makedocs#1(::Bool, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Function) at c:\j\.julia\v0.6\Documenter\src\Documenter.jl:198
[7] (::Documenter.#kw##makedocs)(::Array{Any,1}, ::Documenter.#makedocs) at .\<missing>:0
[8] include_from_node1(::String) at .\loading.jl:569
[9] include(::String) at .\sysimg.jl:14
while loading c:\j\.julia\v0.6\GMT\docs\make.jl, in expression starting on line 3
julia> include("make.jl")
Documenter: setting up build directory.
Documenter: expanding markdown templates.
Documenter: building cross-references.
Documenter: running document checks.
> checking for missing docstrings.
!! 3 docstrings potentially missing:
GMT.get_GMTversion :: Tuple{Ptr{Void}}
GMT.gmt :: Tuple{String,Vararg{Any,N} where N}
GMT.grid_type :: Union{Tuple{Any,Any}, Tuple{Any}}
> running doctests.
=====[Test Error]==============================
> File: c:\j\.julia\v0.6\GMT\src\makecpt.jl
> Code block:
julia> cpt = makecpt(range="-1/1/0.1");
julia> (size(cpt.colormap,1) == 20) && (cpt.colormap[1,:] == [0.875, 0.0, 1.0])
(size(cpt.colormap,1) == 20) && (cpt.colormap[1,:] == [0.875, 0.0, 1.0])
Output Diff:
ERROR: UndefVarError: cpt = makecpt(range=“-1/1/0.1”);not defined
=====[End Error]===============================
checking footnote links.
Documenter: populating indices.
Documenter: rendering document.
Documenter: skipping docs deployment.
You can set DOCUMENTER_DEBUG to “true” in Travis to see more information.