Distributed Array partition index


I’m using DistributedArrays.

Is there a way to obtain the local index of a partition in the partition grid ? It would be like the hypothetical local_partition_index() method below.

using DistributedArrays

A = drand((100,100), workers()[1:4], (2,2))

# index should contain (1,1)
index = @fetchfrom workers()[1] local_partition_index(A) 

# index should contain (1,2)
index = @fetchfrom workers()[2] local_partition_index(A) 

# index should contain (2,1)
index = @fetchfrom workers()[3] local_partition_index(A) 

# index should contain (2,2)
index = @fetchfrom workers()[4] local_partition_index(A) 

Have a nice day

I was able to do this using

index = findall(x -> x == workers()[3], procs(A))