A Raster
behaves just like an Array
in suitable contexts, but I found the following difference in broadcast behavior. Is it 1) an intended behavior, 2) an unavoidable inconsistency, or 3) a bug?
avr = sum(v,dims=3)/size(v,3)
dev = v .- avr
works when v
is a regular 3D array but it doesn’t when v
is a Raster
. With a Raster
, you need avr[:,:,1]
. Below is a self-contained example.
I’m using Julia 1.8.0 on macOS 12.5.1 .
using Downloads
using Rasters
const url = "https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/sresa1b_ncar_ccsm3-example.nc"
infile = Downloads.download(url, "tmp.nc")
#infile = "tmp.nc"
ua = Raster(infile; name = "ua")
v = ua[:,:,:,1]
avr = sum(v,dims=3)/size(v,3)
#dev = v .- avr # => size mismatch!
dev = v .- avr[:,:,1] # => Fine.
v = Array{Union{Missing,Float64}}(undef, size(ua[:,:,:,1]))
v .= ua[:,:,:,1]
avr = sum(v,dims=3)/size(v,3)
dev = v .- avr