l: did the following code using raster:
using NCDatasets
using Plots
using Rasters
# Caminho para o arquivo NetCDF
arquivo_nc = "/run/media/lufla/Backup_Lufla/data_rafael/MONAN_DIAG_G_MOD_GFS_2024041500_2024041909.x40962L55.nc"
# Abrindo o dataset NetCDF
ds = NCDatasets.Dataset(arquivo_nc)
# Lendo a variável t2m (temperatura a 2 metros)
t2m = ds["t2m"][:]
# Fechando o dataset
# Criando um raster a partir dos dados de temperatura
raster_t2m = Raster(t2m)
# Plotando o raster
p = plot(raster_t2m, title="Temperatura a 2 metros", xlabel="Longitude", ylabel="Latitude", color=:thermal)
savefig(p, "t2m_temperature_plot.png")
But, when I run the code I receive the following error:
julia> raster_t2m = Raster(t2m[:,:,1])
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument dims not assigned
[1] Raster(A::Matrix{Union{Missing, Float32}})
@ Rasters ~/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:223
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[8]:1
I dont understand what happened. ANy one can help me?
You can find the docs of the Rasters
function/constructor at
for an abstract array like your t2m
you have to provide the number of dimensions your array has (last case in the signatures).
raster_t2m = Raster(t2m)
I did it! Bu the results are not good. t2m has 3 dimensions:
julia> t2m = ds["t2m"][:]
720×360×1 Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
217.618 219.611 218.098 220.566 229.613 227.332 229.356 229.494 230.496 234.835 240.339 241.75 … 251.195 250.139 249.563 249.709 250.583 252.223 252.918 253.285 253.419 254.077 253.815
217.603 219.551 218.008 220.648 229.703 227.463 229.438 229.362 230.514 235.821 240.763 241.232 251.088 249.963 249.409 249.628 250.518 252.175 252.907 253.289 253.416 254.08 253.818
217.589 219.493 217.918 220.726 229.792 227.606 229.519 229.228 230.794 236.799 241.168 241.11 251.004 249.764 249.256 249.547 250.453 252.128 252.898 253.294 253.413 254.083 253.82
217.575 219.435 217.828 220.8 229.879 227.774 229.597 229.138 231.074 237.774 241.856 240.993 250.928 249.583 249.118 249.461 250.389 252.08 252.89 253.298 253.41 254.086 253.823
217.561 219.377 217.739 220.869 229.963 227.943 229.674 228.8 231.354 238.745 242.676 240.878 250.851 249.402 248.979 249.372 250.365 252.032 252.884 253.303 253.416 254.09 253.826
217.548 219.319 217.649 220.934 230.047 228.114 229.749 228.4 231.632 238.97 243.492 240.766 … 250.774 249.219 248.859 249.288 250.342 251.98 252.877 253.307 253.423 254.093 253.829
217.534 219.262 217.559 220.994 230.126 228.286 229.885 228.002 231.91 239.07 244.303 240.8 250.646 249.057 248.758 249.205 250.32 251.922 252.87 253.312 253.431 254.096 253.832
217.52 219.206 217.48 221.044 230.159 228.461 230.145 227.605 231.887 239.172 245.11 240.944 250.501 248.894 248.658 249.124 250.3 251.864 252.864 253.317 253.438 254.099 253.835
217.507 219.15 217.403 221.085 230.193 228.637 230.433 227.21 231.371 239.277 244.527 241.094 250.354 248.73 248.56 249.043 250.28 251.807 252.858 253.321 253.445 254.102 253.838
217.493 219.094 217.326 221.122 230.226 228.796 230.72 226.817 230.843 239.383 243.703 241.251 250.204 248.576 248.462 248.963 250.261 251.751 252.852 253.333 253.452 254.106 253.841
217.48 219.039 217.249 221.154 230.259 228.919 231.005 226.662 230.303 238.953 242.875 241.11 … 250.035 248.456 248.385 248.893 250.237 251.703 252.841 253.344 253.459 254.109 253.843
217.467 218.984 217.172 221.182 230.291 229.123 231.288 226.79 229.751 237.477 242.046 240.685 249.841 248.367 248.337 248.837 250.209 251.668 252.823 253.353 253.465 254.112 253.846
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮
217.801 220.052 219.013 221.576 228.461 227.067 228.908 230.241 230.348 229.045 233.487 239.397 252.12 251.297 250.919 251.056 251.796 252.736 253.119 253.307 253.439 254.043 253.786
217.784 220.059 218.94 221.614 228.573 227.066 228.989 230.053 230.181 228.944 234.759 240.032 … 252.108 251.225 250.812 250.89 251.686 252.702 253.098 253.304 253.44 254.049 253.789
217.767 220.066 218.866 221.649 228.686 227.183 229.067 229.974 230.107 228.889 236.025 240.659 252.096 251.152 250.701 250.724 251.55 252.669 253.077 253.3 253.441 254.052 253.791
217.75 220.073 218.793 221.645 228.802 227.301 229.118 229.993 230.029 228.827 237.285 241.799 252.084 251.063 250.588 250.559 251.414 252.614 253.06 253.296 253.443 254.055 253.794
217.733 220.053 218.719 221.494 228.918 227.418 229.134 230.011 229.948 228.758 238.311 242.538 252.069 250.968 250.476 250.426 251.28 252.561 253.042 253.292 253.445 254.057 253.796
217.717 219.984 218.634 221.339 229.033 227.405 229.148 230.03 229.863 228.937 238.586 243.027 251.944 250.871 250.363 250.316 251.146 252.507 253.025 253.289 253.441 254.06 253.799
217.7 219.915 218.545 221.181 229.148 227.376 229.16 230.048 230.219 229.919 238.794 243.515 … 251.819 250.772 250.239 250.206 251.013 252.458 253.008 253.285 253.437 254.063 253.801
217.683 219.851 218.456 221.02 229.249 227.349 229.17 230.011 230.346 230.91 238.997 244.002 251.695 250.67 250.109 250.096 250.885 252.411 252.991 253.281 253.433 254.066 253.804
217.667 219.79 218.366 220.855 229.341 227.322 229.178 229.884 230.38 231.892 239.196 243.791 251.553 250.542 249.979 249.986 250.787 252.364 252.973 253.277 253.43 254.068 253.807
217.65 219.73 218.277 220.688 229.432 227.296 229.216 229.755 230.416 232.866 239.474 243.109 251.406 250.414 249.846 249.876 250.717 252.317 252.957 253.276 253.426 254.071 253.809
217.634 219.67 218.187 220.517 229.523 227.271 229.273 229.625 230.455 233.84 239.91 242.429 251.301 250.283 249.71 249.791 250.65 252.271 252.937 253.281 253.422 254.074 253.812
julia> raster_t2m = Raster(t2m)
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument dims not assigned
[1] Raster(A::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3})
@ Rasters ~/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:223
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[7]:1
julia> raster_t2m = Raster(t2m, 3)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Raster(::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
Raster(::AbstractArray; dims, kw...) at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:223
Raster(::AbstractArray, ::Tuple; refdims, name, metadata, missingval) at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:210
Raster(::A, ::D, ::R, ::Na, ::Me, ::Mi) where {T, N, D<:Tuple, R<:Tuple, A<:AbstractArray{T, N}, Na, Me, Mi} at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:203
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[8]:1
If a make more explicit the tuple:
julia> raster_t2m = Raster(t2m, dims = (720, 360, 1))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching _format(::Int64, ::Base.OneTo{Int64})
Closest candidates are:
_format(::DimensionalData.Dimensions.LookupArrays.Explicit, ::Any, ::Any) at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/DimensionalData/MFtne/src/Dimensions/format.jl:99
_format(::DimensionalData.Dimensions.LookupArrays.AutoLookup, ::AbstractRange) at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/DimensionalData/MFtne/src/Dimensions/format.jl:82
_format(::Coord, ::AbstractRange) at /home/lufla/.julia/packages/DimensionalData/MFtne/src/Dimensions/coord.jl:79
[1] map
@ ./tuple.jl:236 [inlined]
[2] format(dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}, axes::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}})
@ DimensionalData.Dimensions ~/.julia/packages/DimensionalData/MFtne/src/Dimensions/format.jl:29
[3] format(dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}, A::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3})
@ DimensionalData.Dimensions ~/.julia/packages/DimensionalData/MFtne/src/Dimensions/format.jl:25
[4] Raster(A::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3}, dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}; refdims::Tuple{}, name::Symbol, metadata::DimensionalData.Dimensions.LookupArrays.NoMetadata, missingval::Missing)
@ Rasters ~/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:213
[5] Raster(A::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3}, dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64})
@ Rasters ~/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:213
[6] Raster(A::Array{Union{Missing, Float32}, 3}; dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}, kw::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Rasters ~/.julia/packages/Rasters/CrXfm/src/array.jl:223
[7] top-level scope
@ REPL[12]:1
Hm, maybe open an issue at the repository? From the documentation something like Raster(A, (4,3,2))
(assuming your A
has that size) should work. So something is either wrongly documented or has a bug.
At least if I provide not-enough or too-many dimensions I get a nice error message that the dimensions do not fit. I am surprised about the strange error when providing the right dimensions.
Even more am I surprised (but not an expert in that package either) why dims
has to be provided, since an abstract array should have size
implemented providing exactly such a tuple.
Thanks @kellertuer . I will open an issue there.
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While I still do not understand the Raster
constructor, your problem was resolved super fast over there Error openning a variable from NetCDF · Issue #670 · rafaqz/Rasters.jl · GitHub