DifferentialEquations.jl -- change in `remake`?

Has there been a change in the remake function recently?

The following code worked one month ago:

prob_rm = remake(prob, u0=[], p=p_modify)
sol = solve(prob_rm, QBDF(), reltol=1e-5,tstops=t_u_switch)

Now, I get an error message:

Mass matrix size is incompatible with initial condition
sizing. The mass matrix must represent the `vec`
form of the initial condition `u0`, i.e.
`size(mm,1) == size(mm,2) == length(u)`

size(prob.f.mass_matrix,1): 6

What do you want to express by providing an empty initial condition? I mean, that can’t really make sense?

In the past, this has meant “keep default initial states”, and has made sense.

Has that been changed?

It only does if it’s a dictionary. prob_rm = remake(prob, u0=Dict(), p=p_modify) might do it? I’m surprised the first one ever worked.

I probably carried over theremake syntax pre-MTK. Setting u0=[] worked at least until late December 2023 for MTK based models; I think also until early January 2024 (I used the syntax in a notebook for a paper with revised sumbission ca Jan 12 2024.)

Since this is a kwarg, I’d perhaps think the default was an empty dictionary… Will check later

@ChrisRackauckas : Another change in remake…

ModelingToolkit.setp(prob,A)(prob,_A) #prob[A] = _A

Hm. This new syntax looks complex compared to the old one, but there is probably a reason for it.

However, the following does not work:

ModelingToolkit.setp(prob,A)(prob,_A) #prob[A] = _A
ModelingToolkit.setp(prob,m)(prob,_m) #prob[m] = _m

Why? Is this because one cannot have two statements in sequence (unlikely), or because m is a state (while A is a parameter)? Note that prob[m] = _m did work with the deprecated syntax.

You can use the simplified forms if you want, i.e. prob.ps[m] = _m.

The reason is because the previous form could never be type stable or fast, so people were bypassing the system with homebrewed solutions that were type-stable. So we changed the core syntax to something that is allowed to be optimal, with some syntactic sugar for simplifications that lose performance.


Would that work with states, too (like in the past), or does .ps mean ParameterS?

It means parameters. prob[x] = _x works for states, and is optimal because it’s now type-stable.

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