Hi, I’m making a program in Julia that calculates the posteriori distribution of a beta binomial model.
My first model was the following:
@model betabinomial(n, z, x, y, delta, gamma) = begin
alpha_p ~ truncated(Normal(x, 0.1), 0, Inf)
beta_p ~ truncated(Normal(y, 0.1), 0, Inf)
q_ajustada = Vector{Real}(undef, 3)
p = Vector{Real}(undef, 3)
for i = 1:length(n)
p[i] ~ Beta(alpha_p, beta_p)
q_ajustada[i] = deltap[i] + (1-gamma)(1-p[i])
z[i] ~ Binomial(n[i], q_ajustada[i])
But now, instead of using the for loop, I want to use vector to achieve a better performance and less computing time so my new code looks like this:
@model betabinomial_v2(n::Array{Int64, 1}, z::Array{Int64, 1}, x::Float64, y::Float64, delta::Float64, gamma::Float64) = begin
#Definimos las iniciales
alpha_p ~ truncated(Normal(x, 0.1), 0, Inf)
beta_p ~ truncated(Normal(y, 0.1), 0, Inf)
# p se distribuye Beta
p ~ filldist(Beta(alpha_p, beta_p), length(n))
#q_ajustada sí tiene que ser así segun yo
q_ajustada = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(n))
unos = ones(length(n))
q_ajustada = delta*p + (1 - gamma)*(unos - p)
@. z ~ Binomial(n, q_ajustada)
I defined the type of each variable and follow this publication Vectorising Turing models for the vectorization.
However, even when I’m using a seed, I don’t get the same results using both models. Any ideas of why and if I’m making a mistake, please let me know.
Thank you in advanced