Dict index with multiple keys versus tuple

As I struggle to scale the slopes of julia sagacity I encountered the following and the fact that it didn’t throw an error, well, threw me.

julia> Acc_rd
Dict{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Vector{Int64}} with 12 entries:
  (101521, 12124) => [23434]
  (101521, 9412)  => []
  (100105, 7207)  => [20661, 20662, 20911, 20912, 21111, 21112, 21113, 21114, 21181, 21182  …  26…
  (102653, 12124) => [20911, 20912, 22311, 22314, 23431, 24971, 25901, 25902, 26351, 26352]

and then

julia> Acc_rd[101521, 12124]
1-element Vector{Int64}:

I’ve no doubt that there is some magic happening behind the scenes that “fills in the blanks” but I can’t help having the feeling that at some point features become counter-productive.

As I said at the outset, spare a thought…

Acc_rd[101521, 12124] is equivalent to Acc_rd[(101521, 12124)]. This was very arguably a bad idea, but it made it into Julia 1.0, so it’s here to stay at least until Julia 2.0.


BTW, if you want to see the magic for yourself, just do:

@edit Acc_rd[101521, 12124]

which should point you to:

# t[k1,k2,ks...] is syntactic sugar for t[(k1,k2,ks...)].  (Note
# that we need to avoid dispatch loops if setindex!(t,v,k) is not defined.)
getindex(t::AbstractDict, k1, k2, ks...) = getindex(t, tuple(k1,k2,ks...))
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