Development Process for Working with Genie and Javascript REST API

Describe the Goal
I am attempting to call my local Genie web server using a REST API in javascript. Is this an appropriate development process?

The server works great when I call something like directly in the browser. However, when I try to access the running server using my javascript REST API, I get an error:

404 Not Found Not found because of proxy error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

To reproduce
For this simple example, I am using CORS anywhere

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I think it would be helpful if you could describe the goal more explicitly. What does your Genie web server do? Do you have a front-end GUI for your app? Is your REST API written in Node.js?

I can see calling a Genie API with JavaScript from your front-end app but I’m having trouble thinking of a use case for a Node.js API to call a Genie.jl API.

I would post the code from your Genie server, or an equivalent minimal working example, here and I think that will give us a better idea of what you’d like to do.

Thank you for your quick reply.

I create my front end using React and I run a Julia web server in a Docker container on Google Compute Engine. I currently use Joseki.jl to run the web server and it works great, but Genie seems like a bigger project so I thought I would check it out.

The biggest pain of my development stack is that I every time I make a change to my Julia code, I have to push it all the way out to my Kubernetes cluster before I can test it. Awful. So I am trying to figure out a more efficient approach.

This is what I am trying to understand. What is the most simple way for me to make a fetch from React while developing? So that I can go painlessly back and forth between the computational and interface development environments.

I do not use any Node.js. I host my app on Firebase. If this is not the right way of thinking about this development process, I appreciate advice

Create a simple function to test a POST API call

using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Renderer.Json, Genie.Requests
using HTTP

Genie.config.run_as_server = true
Genie.config.cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]

route("/random", method=POST) do
  data = jsonpayload()
  dim = parse(Int, data["dim"])
  num = parse(Int, data["num"])
  (:randomdata => rand(dim,num)) |> json


*Then I try and call the web server from my javascript app. Maybe this is not possible, and I am not experienced here so likely mistakes. The CORS stuff is not clear to me. *


  const proxyurl = "";
  const url = ''
  let data = {
    dim: '1',
    num: '3'
// The parameters we are gonna pass to the fetch function
let fetchData = { 
    method: 'POST', 
    body: data,   
    headers: new Headers()
fetch(proxyurl + url)
.then(function() {
    // Handle response you get from the server
    console.log('hi data')
.catch(()=>console.log('Wade- you cant access the url response'));

What does your development process look like? How do you call Julia from your GUI’s? Where do you host your applications?

Here’s a sample (this is on an older version of Genie, not sure if this still works but I can confirm it worked great at the time):

Genie.jl API

JuliaAPI/src/ ApiExample.jl:

using Genie
using Genie.Router
import Genie.Router: route
import Genie.Renderer: json

function launch_server(port)
    Genie.config.run_as_server = true
    Genie.config.server_host = ""
    Genie.config.server_port = port
    Genie.config.cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]

    route("/addxy") do
        x = parse(Int, get(@params, :x, "0"))
        y = parse(Int, get(@params, :y, "0"))
        (:answer => addxy(x,y)) |> json


launch_server(parse(Int, ARGS[1]))

JuliaAPI/src/ Sum.jl:

function addxy(x::Int64, y::Int64)
    return sum([x,y])

Vue.js frontend

The relevant code is just this:

import axios from 'axios'

export default {
  name: 'HelloWorld',
  data: () => ({
    x: null,
    y: null,
    answer: null

  methods: {
    async getAnswer() {
      try {
        const res = await axios.get('', {
          params: {
            x: this.x,
            y: this.y
        this.answer =
      } catch (err) {

All of the code is in these two GitHub repos:

Also, I pushed both the API and the GUI to free Heroku dynos so you can test out the front-end here:

Since they are free dynos, they both go into “sleep mode” until someone hits the URL. It may take a few minutes for the GUI to “wake up” and then once you try to compute a sum it will reach out to the Julia API and it will also have to “wake up.” I also just tried it out and for the first few minutes it was giving me a CORS error which, oddly enough, stopped happening after a few minutes (it’s working fine at the time I’m writing this but will probably not work right for the first few minutes that you try). This was just a proof of concept so I never tried to work out the bugs (of which there appear to be many :laughing:).


You can’t use CORS anywhere to proxy your localhost ( because CORS anywhere can only connect you to addresses on the web. The address is only accessible inside your machine.

Why are you using a CORS proxy? Is the CORS header not working? You can use the Network tab in the chrome/ffox dev tools to check which headers you received.

The workflow that I would suggest in your case is to run both servers locally on different ports. Make sure that the Julia API server sets the header

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

and you can then access it from the browser using:

fetch("http://localhost:1234/...", {mode: "cors"}).then(...)

where 1234 is the port of the Julia API.

If your front-end needs to be compiled using Node, then install Node locally and use a dev server. Running locally makes your life a lot easier!

Lots of apps can be written without a compile step - have a look at Preact and HTM to replace React and JSX - they work in the browser right away.


Thanks @mthelm85 . This is similar to what I am currently doing, except that I have been thinking about trying heroku for basic computing and I appreciate your example.

Thanks @fonsp. This is what I have been trying to achieve without success, but also with not enough understanding. I will retry with your advice and report back.

@fonsp I am able to successfully communicate between my development front-end and development Julia servers (which is great), but I am getting a CORS error when I try and fetch:

Access to fetch at '' from origin 
'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: 
The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains the invalid value ''. 
Have the server send the header with a valid value, or, if an opaque 
response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' 
to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.


using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Renderer.Json, Genie.Requests
using HTTP

Genie.config.run_as_server = true
Genie.config.cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]

route("/random", method="POST") do
  dim = parse(Int, get(@params, :dim, "2"))
  num = parse(Int, get(@params, :num, "3"))
  (:random => rand(dim,num)) |> json


relevant App.js

let params = {
  dim: '1',
  num: '3'

const url = ''
fetch(url, {
            method: 'POST',
            mode: "cors", 
            body: params               
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(()=>console.log('Wade- you cant access the url response'));
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@mthelm85 Do you have a good source for the Heroku process of pushing the Julia server to Heroku?

@mthelm85 @fonsp UPDATE: I posted the CORS problem to the Genie.jl issues on Github and they found an error on their side. Thanks for all your help. I just assumed that I was doing something wrong, and I appreciate your help in guiding me.


Do you have a good source for the Heroku process of pushing the Julia server to Heroku?

I’m drawing a blank on this, unfortunately. I found this and it seems vaguely familiar but I really can’t remember if I used it or not:

I think I may have followed the instructions here:

…but the site seems to be down at the moment I’m writing this.

Here is the updated link:–Deploying_With_Heroku_Buildpacks/

I wrote a guide on how to set up a simple Julia project with heroku, hope it helps!


That is so beautiful and clear. Thank you.