Derivative of a registered function

I want to compute some Jacobian matrix and get the numerical value.
However, if I registered the user-defined function, I can’t get the result.

For example, before @register:

using ModelingToolkit

@parameters t
D = Differential(t)
@variables x(t)

f(x) = tanh(x)
julia> A = [f(x)]
1-element Vector{Num}:

julia> jac = Symbolics.jacobian(A, [x])
1×1 Matrix{Num}:
 1 - (tanh(x(t))^2)

julia> Symbolics.substitute.(jac, [x => 1])
1×1 Matrix{Num}:

# the value above is what I want to get

After @register:

julia> @register f(x)

julia> A = [f(x)]
1-element Vector{Num}:

julia> jac = Symbolics.jacobian(A, [x])
1×1 Matrix{Num}:

julia> Symbolics.substitute.(jac, [x => 1])
1×1 Matrix{Num}:

It seems that Symbolics.expand_derivatives is ineffective?

julia> Symbolics.expand_derivatives.(jac)
1×1 Matrix{Num}:

I didn’t find much information in the documentation, did I miss something?
Or how can I compute the derivative?

You have to define the derivative. Derivatives and Differentials · Symbolics.jl

Oh, I didn’t notice that. It works, thank you!