julia> using Symbolics
julia> @variables a3, a2, a1, a0, t
5-element Vector{Num}:
julia> f0(t) = a3*t^3 + a2*t^2 + a1*t + a0
f0 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f1Gen = Differential(t)(f0(t))
Differential(t)(a0 + a1*t + a2*(t^2) + a3*(t^3))
julia> f1Exp = expand_derivatives(f1Gen)
a1 + 2a2*t + 3a3*(t^2)
julia> f1 = Symbolics.build_function(f1Exp, t)
:(function (t,)
#= F:\Users\Redacted\.julia\packages\SymbolicUtils\9iQGH\src\code.jl:282 =#
#= F:\Users\Redacted\.julia\packages\SymbolicUtils\9iQGH\src\code.jl:283 =#
(+)(a1, (*)(2, a2, t), (*)(3, a3, (^)(t, 2)))
julia> eval(f1)(0)
I wanted to take the symbolic derivative of a symbolic expression and then evaluate it at a numerical value of the argument producing a symbolic expression.
This solution seems to work, but violated my expectations (having written a lot of code for other CAS (Computer Algebra Systems)). It feels clunky, but I can imagine that with a little practice it might feel natural. Am I missing some shortcut?
The fact that
julia> f1Not(t) = expand_derivatives(f1Gen)
f1Not (generic function with 1 method)
produces something that looks right
julia> f1Not(t)
a1 + 2a2*t + 3a3*(t^2)
but is wrong
julia> f1Not(0)
a1 + 2a2*t + 3a3*(t^2)
created quite a bit of confusion for me.
The fact that f0
is naturally the right type of expression may have increased my expectation that expand_derivatives
could be induced to return the desired function directly.
julia> f0(0)
My desire is to call some sort of “compile” step when creating a numerical valued function from a symbolic expression, because interpretation is too slow. But when producing a symbol valued function it seems that interpretation might be better … Maybe that’s incompatible with the Julia way …