hi, im new to julia. coming from matlab.
im just trying the language out, just playing with it before jumping in completely.
i cant get DelimitedFiles to work, to simply read a txt file.
When i type:
using DelimitedFiles
i get:
LoadError: ArgumentError: Cannot open 'test.txt': not a file
in expression starting at untitled-8ead38e87ae54c024af70d734f3fca9a:3
#readdlm_auto#9(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::String, ::Char, ::Type, ::Char, ::Bool) at DelimitedFiles.jl:233
readdlm_auto at DelimitedFiles.jl:233 [inlined]
#readdlm#5 at DelimitedFiles.jl:172 [inlined]
readdlm at DelimitedFiles.jl:172 [inlined]
#readdlm#3 at DelimitedFiles.jl:118 [inlined]
readdlm(::String) at DelimitedFiles.jl:118
top-level scope at none:0
the file “test.txt” is a simple matrix 4x4
btw, im on linux mint, atom ide with junolab