Question asked on slack:
Hello, I’m new to Julia and MLJ. Is there a recommended way to compose models within functions? I tried placing the code from the “ Lightning Tour ” within a function of my own package, however when compiling that package I’m getting
iterated_booster not defined
when I can see it is defined (or at least I think it is…).
Here’s the relevant code posted by the commenter:
module Slotter
using MLJ
using MLJIteration
using EvoTrees
function main()
Booster = @load EvoTreeRegressor # loads code defining a model type
booster = Booster(max_depth = 2) # specify hyper-parameter at construction
booster.nrounds = 50 # or mutate post facto
iterated_booster = IteratedModel(
model = booster,
resampling = Holdout(fraction_train = 0.8),
controls = [Step(2), NumberSinceBest(3), NumberLimit(300)],
measure = l1,
retrain = true,
pipe = @pipeline ContinuousEncoder iterated_booster
max_depth_range =
range(pipe, :(deterministic_iterated_model.model.max_depth), lower = 1, upper = 10)
self_tuning_pipe = TunedModel(
model = pipe,
tuning = RandomSearch(),
ranges = max_depth_range,
resampling = CV(nfolds = 3, rng = 456),
measure = l1,
acceleration = CPUThreads(),
n = 50,
X, y = @load_reduced_ames
mach = machine(self_tuning_pipe, X, y)
measures = [l1, l2],
resampling = CV(nfolds = 5, rng = 123),
acceleration = CPUThreads(),
verbosity = 2,