For some reason (I know that it can be bad architecture), I need to write functions for a type that is not yet declared.
Is there a way to do this?
For some reason (I know that it can be bad architecture), I need to write functions for a type that is not yet declared.
Is there a way to do this?
Nope. You can’t write f(x::MyType) = ...
before MyType
is defined.
You can, however, write f(x) = ...
at any time and then pass in a MyType
to f
after you’ve defined MyType
You can use abstract types to avoid needing to define fully general methods.
julia> abstract type AbstractFoo end
julia> bar(::AbstractFoo) = 3
bar (generic function with 1 method)
julia> struct Foo{T} <: AbstractFoo
julia> bar(Foo(2))
OP using Abstract types is the correct answer.