I am confused about how to define function call syntax for objects.
If I have a concrete type then I can do it:
type MyConcrete end
(c::MyConcrete)(x) = "hello"
julia> cc = MyConcrete()
julia> (c::MyConcrete)(x) = "hello $x"
julia> cc(3)
"hello 3"
I thought the following was supposed to work for subtypes of an abstract type
julia> abstract AbstractTest
julia> type MyTest <: AbstractTest end
julia> (t::T){T <: AbstractTest}(x) = "hello"
function type in method definition is not a type
This may be issue https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/14919, except I am not trying to define call on an abstract type itself, but rather a concrete object whose type is a subtype of a given abstract type.