@musm this saves us from typing the type of the object, right? I was thinking of doing this, but wondered if another approach with let-blocks or something existed.
But if blocks don’t impact scope, so this is not needed:
julia> if rand()>.5
a = 7
b = 9
julia> a
ERROR: UndefVarError: a not defined
julia> b
julia> function foo()
if rand()>.5
a = 7
b = 9
@show a
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo()
ERROR: UndefVarError: a not defined
[1] macro expansion at ./show.jl:243 [inlined]
[2] foo() at ./REPL[3]:7
julia> foo()
a = 7
(Edited to reflect mistake pointed out by @yuyichao’s )
(but this does apply to try blocks, etc., which do impact scope.)
What gives you that impression? There was another recent thread claiming the same. Is it incorrectly mentioned in some doc somewhere or doesn’t work as intended in some cases?
@yuyichao for some reason I assumed this didn’t work. I don’t know if it is because of an experience with a previous version of Julia, but I remember having issues with scope in this context in the past. I just tried it without predeclaring the variable and it works just fine.
Depending on how complex things are, you can create a function that encompasses your conditions, but you’ve probably already decided against ternary operators for other reasons.