Is it okay that, in Julia, code that never executes can change the result of programs?

Consider the following code. The x expression right after the inner let block throws an error because x is not defined in that scope. This is expected given the scoping rules inside let end block.

        x = 0
    x # throws "ERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined"

Now I modify the above and add some code in the outer let block-- code that never actually executes.

        x = 0
    x # does this throw "ERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined" ?
    if false
        @assert false # just to demonstrate that this block never executes
        x = 1 # try and comment this out

        x = 0
    x # does this throw "ERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined" ?
    @assert false # just to demonstrate that this code never executes
    x = 1 # try and comment this out

In the first of the two modified versions, the code in the if block never executes, and in the second modified version, the code after the return never executes. Yet the previous UndefVarError is now gone. If you comment out the x = 1 expression, you get the error back.

Apparently, it doesn’t matter that x = 1 never executes because “scoping rules are static and not path sensitive”. see: unreachable code interacts with scoping rules and changes program behavior · Issue #56874 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub

There are other examples, though the underlying reasons behind the behavior here might be different (see: implement local const · Issue #5148 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub ):

function f()
    if true
        _f() = nothing
        @assert false # just to demonstrate that this block never executes
        _f() = 0
g = f()
@assert g() == 0

My questions:

  • What does “static” mean?
  • Is Julia two languages-- a static one and a non-static one? And does it mean that when one reads Julia code, one should read the static meaning of the code first and go over the same code to with a non-static perspective?
  • Is it just Julia or is this an issue in other languages as well? I don’t know much Rust, but I tried to get into confusing scoping rules with it, and the language makes it hard because it makes variable shadowing very clear with explicit let statements. Scopes are clearly delimited with {} and variables can’t go into a scope and get out of it alive. Basically, if you read the code sequentially, you can figure out what it does.

Here are three variations of your first example. Version 1:

        x = 0
        # x is not a variable in the parent scope and only
        # lives in this `let` block
    x # throws "ERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined"

Version 2 curing the problem with a local declaration:

    local x
        x = 0 # refers to variable x from parent scope outside this `let` block
    x # returns 0

Version 3, i.e. with “code that never executes”, is equivalent to an implicit local declaration:

        x = 0
    if false
        x = 1
        # assignment statement (inside or outside `if`) has the same effect
        # as `local x` in the previous version
    x # returns 0

So in summary, the “code that never executes” has the same effect as a declaration statement. The latter also doesn’t explicit “execute” but changes the meaning of the code.


Static here means that the parsing / scoping rules don’t depend on the actual dataflow, or values. How a piece of code is parsed depends only on the literal string of code being parsed.

No, julia is one language. Its parsing is static (like almost every single non-lisp language I know of), and its types are dynamic. These are two different, mostly unrelated aspects of language design.


According to Julia’s manual, such code may become illegal in the future:

However, you should not define local methods conditionally or subject to control flow, as in

function f2(inc)
    if inc
        g(x) = x + 1
        g(x) = x - 1

function f3()
    function g end
    return g
    g() = 0

as it is not clear what function will end up getting defined. In the future, it might be an error to define local methods in this manner.


That has its own “problems”. In C:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int x = 0;
        x = 1; // outer x
        printf("x = %d\n", x);
        float x;
        x = 2; // inner x, converts
        printf("x = %f\n", x);
    printf("x = %d\n", x);
    return 0;


x = 1
x = 2.000000
x = 1

meaning the inner local scope used the same symbol x for 2 separate variables. Of course, that’s not a problem if you’re just used to the rule and the debugging headaches. You mentioned Rust’s let statement (which for those who are unaware is not a locally scoped block like Julia’s let), those also can make a symbol switch statically typed variables within the same scope. Thankfully, conditional variable declarations can’t make a symbol’s variable ambiguous in a scope because if statements introduce local scope, all {} blocks do.

No need for a scope’s symbol switching variables in a dynamically typed language, in fact it’s actively avoided. Python keeps up the appearance of sequential execution by forcing you to write the global/nonlocal statements before any assignments within the scope, but it’s not necessary for the parser to figure out where variables are. Far more of Julia’s blocks introduce local scope, so explicit declarations like that would be a higher burden; in this example, you’d be forced to put local x after the first let. On the other hand, our if statements get to not introduce local scope, which is pretty convenient and lets us do a lot more in the global scope.


That’s currently hitting a bug:

(reason why that syntax may be disallowed in the future)

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Even having never written a word of C, this particular example looks straightforward to me. There’s an integer x declared in the outer scope which is accessible from the inner scope. The x is shadowed by another x declared a float. And neither of them outlive their scope, which is demarcated by {}. I don’t have to worry that code I add later will affect the behavior of code written thus far; let alone code that never executes.

I agree that if blocks not introducing scope is more ergonomic. But I imagine that defining variables inside if blocks is a common pattern. And it looks very error-prone to me.

If conditionally defining functions should be illegal, why not make conditionally declaring variables illegal as well? The reasoning might be different but the rule seems cohesive to me.

Misunderstandings to clear up:

  1. Conditionally declaring variables isn’t typically illegal in any language. I said a variable declaration would be ineffective by itself in an if-statement that introduces local scope, that is all its assignments must conditionally occur in the scope as well.
  2. Conditional functions are not at all illegal in Julia or many other dynamic languages, the Github issue shows you how.
  3. Multimethods is already unusual for a dynamic language, and the reason for the undefined behavior (if it was outright illegal, it’d error) of conditionally defining methods of the same closure is that implementing the straightforward behavior also kills a lot of optimization. If some genius figures it out one day, it could be supported.

Easy, paste code with a variable declaration accidentally reusing a symbol in the middle of a scope. If you like static typing and closures, you’ll hate juggling multiple variables for the same symbol within a scope. If all you want is an isolated bit of code to run, then put it in its own local scope (declare everything in {} or let end, more easily a helper function), but if you want to affect the preexisting variables, then you need to look at what the whole scope does. Pasting without care is dangerous and discouraged anywhere, and no language’s scoping rules can save you from legal bugs.

Conditionally declaring variables isn’t typically illegal in any language. I said a variable declaration would be ineffective by itself in an if-statement that introduces local scope, that is all its assignments must conditionally occur in the scope as well.

Declaring a variable conditionally (or declaring and assigning) would not be a problem in languages where if blocks introduce their own scope. So it makes sense that they don’t need to make it illegal. The issue arises precisely because if blocks don’t create new scope in Julia, which interacts with other scoping rules to give us the issue that I bring up.

Easy, paste code with a variable declaration accidentally reusing a symbol in the middle of a scope.

Sure, if I put something in a middle of a scope, I should look at the entire scope to check how I’m using the variable. But Julia’s scope are not clearly demarcated with blocks as other languages do with {}.

but if you want to affect the preexisting variables, then you need to look at what the whole scope does.

I don’t want to “affect preexisting variables”, and that’s precisely my point. “Preexisting” in Julia does not mean appearing ahead in the code.

Say I have:

		x = 0
		# ...
		# a whole lot of inner code
		# ...
		# ...
	@assert x == 0 # errors

	# ...
	# a whole lot of outer code
	# ...
	# ...


Now, I add an if block at the end of the outer block, completely outside the inner block.

		x = 0
		# ...
		# a whole lot of inner code
		# ...
		# ...
	@assert x == 0 # does not error

	# ...
	# a whole lot of outer code
	# ...
	# ...

	if false
		local x

Here, the x in the if block is the “preexisting” variable because it is declared in the outer scope.

In Julia, I have to check not just whether the variable already exists in the outer code, but also in the inner code. I don’t like it. Maybe someday I’ll learn to live with it. But that’s still not the issue I’m raising here (though I’ve complained about it before). And yes, it’s good advice to keep your blocks small, put things in functions. I admit all of those.

My issue is that code inside an if false ... end affects what the program does. And any way I look at it, this is just wrong. And I am asking specifically whether or not I am correct in thinking so.

There are plenty of languages where if statements don’t introduce new scope, and in your opinion all those languages are “wrong”. You’re entitled to your opinion, most people just don’t write intentionally dead code and expect nothing to go awry.

What do you mean? We have block expressions with ends, and only a couple don’t introduce new scope. That’s as explicit as it gets.

Then don’t edit that scope, leave it alone. That’s true for any language, you have to take care to change or not change the preexisting code. The only syntactic mechanism that lets you insert code with less (not zero!) risk is referential transparency, but you can’t reassign variables.

I created this post because I am interested in having informed opinions.

There are plenty of languages where if statements don’t introduce new scope, and in your opinion all those languages are “wrong”.

No, that is not my opinion. My opinion is that it is incorrect behavior for programming languages to let dead code change what a program does.

most people just don’t write intentionally dead code and expect nothing to go awry.

The intentionally dead code is a simplification of actual bugs that I (and probably others) could easily write if they’re not aware of the issue. I was presenting a minimum working example, as is encouraged on this forum.

I’m not much of a programmer, and I do not have much exprience with other languages. Which is why in my initial post, I asked whether similar issues arise in other programming languages, and if so, how they deal with them. @Benny, you gave an example with C, which if anything shows that the issue I raise is not of concern in C.

Then don’t edit that scope, leave it alone.

That’s the thing. I would say I’m not editing the scope: I put the variable declaration behind a condition that can never hold. And @Mason’s told me that that won’t work because the parser still sees the variable declaration. That’s an explanation of why the code behaves the way it does. It does not answer my question: is the behavior correct?

That’s exactly what I was referring to. That happens in other languages, albeit in other ways. They tend to error and force you to declare earlier, which I already mentioned could have been done in Julia but isn’t necessary for the parser to figure out variable scoping, in fact the parser would need to do that in order to detect said error.

Right, I wasn’t reproducing your example at all, I was talking about the costs of something else you brought up, multiple variable declarations working in order in the same scope.

Then you’d be wrong because you’re writing code into the scope, it’s exactly how it sounds.

Correct as in follows the documented scoping rules to the letter, then yes. Correct as in whether the rules should be like that, that’s up to your opinion. I don’t entirely approve of the scoping rules either in other ways. Julia v1 can’t safely change the rules, and Julia v2 isn’t actively planned, so whatever our opinion, we can only make peace with the rules to use the language.

I agree that that looks bad. In practice, though, I don’t see myself having issues with this.

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As your main point seems to be about the behavior of “dead code” (if false), consider the example modified like this

        x = 0
    if rand() < 0.5
        x = 1

Now you don’t know whether x = 1 actually runs or not. But when the execution reaches the line with the single x, Julia still needs to know whether it should throw an UndefVarError or not. How could it do that at the time when it doesn’t yet know whether the condition in the next line evaluates to true or false? You could argue that a literal false in the condition could be treated specially, but then consider a function call in place of the if-condition, where this function directly returns a literal false. Should it still be considered as “dead code” in this case? Or imagine the function is complicated or runs for a long time before it returns a value - then it would become very intransparent when reading the code and examining its behavior.

(That said, I agree that compared to other languages, variable scoping rules in Julia are quite complicated with their three orthogonal concepts global vs. local, soft vs. hard scope and interactive vs. non-interactive context.)

        x = 0
    if rand(Bool)
        x = 1

This works to return either trueor false directly.

@jwortmann, in your example, I would expect the code to error half the time. Just as this code does:

if rand() > 0.5

I used dead code to simplify the example for the sake of demonstration. That sort of code is rare in practice. And I’m not suggesting checking for false literal or anything of that sort. Before saying how the language should change, I wanted to establish whether it should. It should only change if it is currently incorrect.

I’ve heard Julia developers distinguish between the notion of Julia the language, and Julia the implementation of the language. Maybe that is a distinction to keep in mind here, and perhaps what I was trying to get at when I asked in my initial post whether Julia is two languages.

You say

Julia still needs to know whether it should throw an UndefVarError or not.

I wonder if the Julia you refer to is Julia the implementation of the language, and not Julia the language. In other words, could we say this instead?

Given the current implementation of Julia, it needs to know at parse time whether it should throw UndefVarError.

There have been some comments about how Julia is implemented: it is the parser that is responsible for scoping behavior (i think) and it does not understand the logic of control flow. I appreciate these comments because they help me understand how Julia actually works as implemented currently.

But maybe the heart of my question is whether, in the case of conditionally declared local variables go, Julia the implementation corresponds with Julia the language. It should be the language driving the implementaiton of the language, not the other way around.

You really can’t win on this. We tried to get rid of the soft/hard scope distinction in 1.0 because people had complained that it was too complex. But people subsequently complained about the lack of soft/hard scope so much that we had to partially reintroduce it. In non-interactive contexts, there is no soft/hard distinction except that in soft scopes (outside a function basically), it’s a warning if you shadow an already assigned global.


Coming back to my examples, is this statement a fair and hopefully less divisive characterization of Julia?

You can not conditionally define local variables in Julia.

Yes, that’s correct. Whether a given variable is local to a scope or not is purely syntactic. It does not depend on the running state of the program or the value or types of anything. It just depends on the literal string of text and how it is structured. (Doing otherwise is very unusual and typically considered a rather bad idea)


Probably I’m missing something obvious, but that statement, taken verbatim, doesn’t seem to me to be unique to Julia: if the implication is that you want to use the variable outside of the condition scope, I don’t see how you can do that in many other languages, if it’s inside of the condition scope that’s not conditional anymore.