Debugging with ImageView.jl

I really like the simplicity of ImageView.jl. It appears to be everything I need:

  • showing an Matrix{Float64} as an image that scales appropriately,
  • annotating with simple shapes or text

I am currently working on a detection algorithm, and I want to show the current image with my detections boxed. I do not want to have to open and close a gui every time a new image comes, but rather update the image and the annotaitons at each frame. This is a very simple task in C++ and Matlab. I would have thought this would be a basic behavior to ImageView.jl. There must be something simple I am missing, but I do not seem to see an easy solution.

Thanks for any assistance!

using Statistics, Images, ImageView
function ex()
    numCols, numRows, numFrames = 100, 100, 100
    frameRate = 1 # numFrames / sec
    p0 = [25, 25] # initial position of target
    v = [1, 1] #  velocity pixel / sec
    ## Create data for reproducibility
    img = randn(numCols, numRows, numFrames) # creat white noise background
    kernel = 10 .* [0 1 0;
                    1 2 1;
                    0 1 0] # simple bright target
    p_truth = zeros(2, numFrames)
    for fn = 1:numFrames
        p = p0 + (fn / frameRate-1) * v # constant velocity
        y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))  # convert position to nearest pixel for simplicity
        if 1 < y < numCols && 1 < x < numRows # our kernel is 3x3 so only get within one of the edge
            img[y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1, fn] = kernel
        p_truth[:,fn] = p

    ## Below is the code that I wish worked
    gd, c = nothing, nothing
    for fn in 1:numFrames
        if fn ==1
            gd = imshow(img[:,:,fn])
            c = gd["gui"]["canvas"]
            # this part seems to be creating issues
            # if I use imshow! the matrix does not get converted in to the proper type, maybe ?
                imshow!(c, img[:,:,fn])
                # error message
                # Warning: Error in @guarded callback
                # └ @ GtkReactive ~/.julia/packages/Gtk/C22jV/src/base.jl:90
                # ::ERROR: ReactiveArgumentError: element type Normed{UInt8,8} is an 
                # 8-bit type representing 256 values from 0.0 to 1.0,
                #   but the values (-1.5032452089414814,) do not lie within this range.
                #   See the READMEs for FixedPointNumbers and ColorTypes for more information..
            # if I use imshow (sans !) this image changes, but zooming does not work
            # and annotations dont show up
                # imshow(c, img[:,:,fn])
        # Get detections from algo
        list_of_detections = [p_truth[:,fn]] # for simplicity only grab true detections
        aIx = []
        for p in list_of_detections
            y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))
            # Creating annotation do not show after first frame
            a = annotate!(gd,
                        AnnotationBox(x - 5, y - 5,
                                        x + 5, y + 5,
                                        linewidth=2, color=RGB(1,0,0))
            push!(aIx, a)
        [delete!(gd,a) for a in aIx] # remove previous detections after they have been seen

@tim.holy do you have any suggestions?

?imshow; the example at the end gives a demo (see that final push!).

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I have tried this as well. The annotations are not connnected to the gui that is created by calling imshow in this way. Thanks for your help

    ## Below is the code that I wish worked
    # Change the type of the matrix to be compatible
    img .-= minimum(img)
    img = n0f8.(img./maximum(img)) # make the type of img be compatible with ImageView.Signal
    # Follow the example from the help string for imshow
    gd = imshow_gui((numCols, numRows))
    c = gd["canvas"]
    sig = ImageView.Signal(img[:,:,1])
    anns = annotations() # I do not see a Annotations in any of the fields of either roi_dict or gd
    roi_dict = imshow(c, sig)
    for fn in 2:numFrames
        push!(sig, img[:,:,fn]) # this works, and zoom is still supported
        # Get detections from algo
        list_of_detections = [p_truth[:,fn]] # for simplicity only grab true detections
        for p in list_of_detections
            y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))
            # while this does not error out, no annotations are shown
            annotate!(anns, c, roi_dict,
                        AnnotationBox(x - 5, y - 5,
                                      x + 5, y + 5,
                                      linewidth=2, color=RGB(1,0,0))
            push!(aIx, a) 
        [delete!(gd,a) for a in aIx] # remove previous detections after they have been seen

And are you happy with the outcome?

For the purposes of your original question, the ImageView.closeall seems undesirable?

I am sorry, the close all should not appear anymore. I replaced it with a sleep(0.5).
The problem is that the annotations are not showing even though there is no error.

Here is the full solution. You have to include the annotations in the creation of the roi_dict. It took some digging but you also need give a zr::Signal{ZoomRegion{T}} to use the desired version of imshow. To get an out of the box solution, I needed to also inclued GtkReactive.

using Statistics, Images, ImageView, Gtk.ShortNames, GtkReactive
function ex()
    numCols, numRows, numFrames = 100, 100, 100
    frameRate = 1 # numFrames / sec
    p0 = [25, 25] # initial position of target
    v = [1, 1] #  velocity pixel / sec
    img = randn(numCols, numRows, numFrames) # creat white noise background
    kernel = 10 .* [0 1 0;
                    1 2 1;
                    0 1 0] # simple bright target
    p_truth = zeros(2, numFrames)
    for fn = 1:numFrames
        p = p0 + (fn / frameRate-1) * v # constant velocity
        y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))  # convert position to nearest pixel for simplicity
        if 1 < y < numCols && 1 < x < numRows # our kernel is 3x3 so only get within one of the edge
            img[y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1, fn] = kernel
        p_truth[:,fn] = p
    img .-= minimum(img)
    img = n0f8.(img./maximum(img))
    gd = imshow_gui((numCols, numRows))
    c = gd["canvas"]
    sig = ImageView.Signal(img[:,:,1])
    anns = annotations()
    roi_dict = imshow(c, sig, Signal(ZoomRegion(value(sig))), anns)
    for fn in 2:numFrames
        push!(sig, img[:,:,fn]) # this works, and zoom is still supported
        # Get detections from algo
        list_of_detections = [p_truth[:,fn]] # for simplicity only grab true detections
        aIx = []
        for p in list_of_detections
            y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))
            # Creating annotation do not show after first frame
            a = annotate!(anns, c, roi_dict,
                        AnnotationBox(x - 5, y - 5,
                                      x + 5, y + 5,
                                      linewidth=2, color=RGB(1,0,0))
            push!(aIx, a)
        [delete!(anns,a) for a in aIx] # remove previous detections after they have been seen
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I’m short on time so won’t dig into this since you’ve got a solution you’re happy with, but please do submit any issues (or better, PRs :wink: ) about what was missing in the documentation or missing bits of functionality that would have made this easier.