I really like the simplicity of ImageView.jl. It appears to be everything I need:
- showing an Matrix{Float64} as an image that scales appropriately,
- annotating with simple shapes or text
I am currently working on a detection algorithm, and I want to show the current image with my detections boxed. I do not want to have to open and close a gui every time a new image comes, but rather update the image and the annotaitons at each frame. This is a very simple task in C++ and Matlab. I would have thought this would be a basic behavior to ImageView.jl. There must be something simple I am missing, but I do not seem to see an easy solution.
Thanks for any assistance!
using Statistics, Images, ImageView
function ex()
numCols, numRows, numFrames = 100, 100, 100
frameRate = 1 # numFrames / sec
p0 = [25, 25] # initial position of target
v = [1, 1] # velocity pixel / sec
## Create data for reproducibility
img = randn(numCols, numRows, numFrames) # creat white noise background
kernel = 10 .* [0 1 0;
1 2 1;
0 1 0] # simple bright target
p_truth = zeros(2, numFrames)
for fn = 1:numFrames
p = p0 + (fn / frameRate-1) * v # constant velocity
y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2])) # convert position to nearest pixel for simplicity
if 1 < y < numCols && 1 < x < numRows # our kernel is 3x3 so only get within one of the edge
img[y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1, fn] = kernel
p_truth[:,fn] = p
## Below is the code that I wish worked
gd, c = nothing, nothing
for fn in 1:numFrames
if fn ==1
gd = imshow(img[:,:,fn])
c = gd["gui"]["canvas"]
# this part seems to be creating issues
# if I use imshow! the matrix does not get converted in to the proper type, maybe ?
imshow!(c, img[:,:,fn])
# error message
# Warning: Error in @guarded callback
# └ @ GtkReactive ~/.julia/packages/Gtk/C22jV/src/base.jl:90
# ::ERROR: ReactiveArgumentError: element type Normed{UInt8,8} is an
# 8-bit type representing 256 values from 0.0 to 1.0,
# but the values (-1.5032452089414814,) do not lie within this range.
# See the READMEs for FixedPointNumbers and ColorTypes for more information..
# if I use imshow (sans !) this image changes, but zooming does not work
# and annotations dont show up
# imshow(c, img[:,:,fn])
# Get detections from algo
list_of_detections = [p_truth[:,fn]] # for simplicity only grab true detections
aIx = []
for p in list_of_detections
y, x = Int(round(p[1])), Int(round(p[2]))
# Creating annotation do not show after first frame
a = annotate!(gd,
AnnotationBox(x - 5, y - 5,
x + 5, y + 5,
linewidth=2, color=RGB(1,0,0))
push!(aIx, a)
[delete!(gd,a) for a in aIx] # remove previous detections after they have been seen