Debugging Julia script on SSH connection (no GUI)

There is this keyboard-controlled GitHub - JuliaDebug/Debugger.jl: Julia debugger that should be good enough.

I think it’s actually part of VS Code (at least previously Juno), but then some add-on makes it a GUI version, but I’m not aware of any TUI version or it or any debugger.

There’s also Infiltrator.jl that I found to me nice. And I just noticed brand-new:

I don’t know how well it works. Since the GPT-4 upgrade to ChatGPT hopefully it works even better for Julia, same as for for other languages; often you can just copy-paste an error message to it in case it generated bad code, and that’s enough to get a fix. Or so they say, for Python if I recall.

There are also many tools that can help with code, e.g. for formatting and linters and:

GitHub - tonyhffong/Lint.jl: A lint tool for Julia code StaticLint.jl

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