Debug mode (Atom-Juno) skipping error during SVD in julia script

Hello julia developers,

I am trying to apply a method called HePPCAT to my data. This method is able to reduce variance in heteroscedastic data by a nonconvex optimization through expectation maximization. During one of the iterations for the optimization, it applies SVD to this specific matrix:


However, during the SVD execution, the script crashes and I get the next error:

LoadError: SingularException(5)
in expression starting at /home/rafa/HePPCAT_on_data_Julia/Modelo_HePPCAT_SVM.jl:34
checknonsingular at factorization.jl:19 [inlined]
checknonsingular at factorization.jl:21 [inlined]
#lu!#146 at lu.jl:82 [inlined]
lu! at lu.jl:81 [inlined]
lu(A::Adjoint{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, pivot::RowMaximum; check::Bool) at lu.jl:279
lu at lu.jl:278 [inlined]
lu at lu.jl:278 [inlined]
\(A::Adjoint{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, B::Adjoint{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}) at generic.jl:1142
/(A::Matrix{Float64}, B::Matrix{Float64}) at generic.jl:1150
updateF!(M::HePPCATModel{Float64, Float64}, Y::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, #unused#::HePPCAT.ExpectationMaximization) at updateF.jl:24 <--- SVD execution
heppcat(Y::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, k::Int64, iters::Int64; init::HePPCATModel{Float64, Float64}) at extern.jl:20
heppcat(Y::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, k::Int64, iters::Int64) at extern.jl:17
top-level scope at Modelo_HePPCAT_SVM.jl:53
eval at boot.jl:373 [inlined]
include_string(mapexpr::typeof(identity), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String) at loading.jl:1196

While debugging, this error does not appear and julia avoid sthe crash, which is strange. I performed SVD on the matrix in python and I was able to obtain a result from the SVD without crashing.

is it possible that Julia modifies the matrix in a certain way, maybe rounding some numbers making it singular, during normal execution mode but this is not applied during debug mode?

I am sharing my data and script to reproduce the error:

I am using julia 1.7.2

thank you!

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Hi Rafael, did you get any insights into your problem or is it still causing issues?

I still have that issue. However, I have changed the optimization method for one that seems stable.