Custom IO performance - loading variables from byte array

I want to load several variables of different bitstypes from a packed byte vector.
For example, Int16, Int32, Int16 from 8-byte chunk of memory.

I’ve tried several approaches to find a most efficient way:

  1. Using IOBuffer.
  2. Using raw pointers with manual unrolled loop.
  3. Using map with raw piointers.
  4. Using generated function that produce code with raw pointers.

So, I have a couple of questions:

  1. Why a local IOBuffer cannot be optimized-out and still allocates?
  2. Why map is boxing ind variable from outer scope and how to deal with?
  3. Is that possible to use type inference to write fast function without @generated code?

Source code:

function load_io(vect::Vector{UInt8})
    io = IOBuffer(vect)
    x1 = read(io, Int16)
    x2 = read(io, Int32)
    x3 = read(io, Int16)
    x1, x2, x3

function load_unroll(vect::Vector{UInt8})
    GC.@preserve vect begin
        ind::Int = 1

        ptr1::Ptr{Int16} = pointer(vect, ind)
        x1 = unsafe_load(ptr1)
        ind += sizeof(Int16)

        ptr2::Ptr{Int32} = pointer(vect, ind)
        x2 = unsafe_load(ptr2)
        ind += sizeof(Int32)

        ptr3::Ptr{Int16} = pointer(vect, ind)
        x3 = unsafe_load(ptr3)
        ind += sizeof(Int16)

    x1, x2, x3

function load_map(vect::Vector{UInt8})
    GC.@preserve vect begin
        ind::Int = 1
        out = map((Int16, Int32, Int16)) do T
            p::Ptr{T} = pointer(vect, ind)
            x = unsafe_load(p)
            ind += sizeof(T)

@generated function load_gen(vect::Vector{UInt8})
    exprs = Expr[]
    for T in (Int16, Int32, Int16)
        ex = quote
                p::Ptr{$T} = pointer(vect, ind)
                x = unsafe_load(p)
                ind += sizeof($T)
        push!(exprs, ex)
    loop_unroll = :(tuple($(exprs...)))

    out_expr = quote
        GC.@preserve vect begin
            ind::Int = 1
    return out_expr

using BenchmarkTools

bytes = UInt8[0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]

load_io(bytes) == load_unroll(bytes) == load_map(bytes) == load_gen(bytes)

@btime load_io($bytes)      # 14.227 ns (1 allocation: 64 bytes)
@btime load_unroll($bytes)  # 1.399 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime load_map($bytes)     # 866.129 ns (13 allocations: 256 bytes)
@btime load_gen($bytes)     # 1.399 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

@code_warntype load_io(bytes)
@code_warntype load_unroll(bytes)
@code_warntype load_map(bytes) # why ind is Core.Box?
@code_warntype load_gen(bytes)

I’m kind of surprised unsafe_load works. I thought loading an Int32 needed to be on a 4 byte boundary. But I haven’t touched assembly in years.

As for issue 1, my guess is that IOBuffer is mutable and therefor causes the allocation when it’s created.

Yes, i’m reading Int32 from a 4-byte chunk at the middle [0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6], and 2 bytes for each Int16 on the edges.