I have a generic model function with many parameters. I want to hold subsets of these parameters constant, and obtain well-specialized methods on a reduced parameter set.
Unfortunately, in many cases, no constant propagation happens without Base.@pure. This macro seems like a last resort to me, since it may produce bugs without warning, if used incorrectly.
So, my question: Is there a better way to do the following?
using BenchmarkTools
function doWork(x::T,y::T,z::T) where {T<:Float64}
Base.@pure fa(x::T)= mapreduce(i->x+sin(i),+,1:1000; init=zero(T))
Base.@pure fb(y::T)= mapreduce(i->y+sin(i),+,1:1000; init=zero(T))
Base.@pure fc(z::T)= mapreduce(i->z+sin(i),+,1:1000; init=zero(T))
a = fa(x)
b = fb(y)
c = fb(z)
return a+b+c
@btime doWork(rand(),rand(),rand())
# Removing Base.@pure triples timings
@btime (x->doWork(x,0.2,0.3)).([0.11,0.12,0.13])
@btime (y->doWork(0.1,y,0.3)).([0.21,0.22,0.23])
@btime (z->doWork(0.1,0.2,z)).([0.31,0.32,0.33])
@Elrod: Thanks for your suggestion. This was an example to demonstrate the issue. Iād change coding style to loops if that helped. I tried a simple summation loop, it does not constant propagate either.
@tkf: This is an interesting package. I could not get it to propagate in the mapreduce case, I will play with it and see if I can make it work. Thanks!
Even with the very basic loops/recursive structures below, I cannot get this to work without Base.@pure. Am I doing something wrong there?
It would be really convenient to have this working in the future. It can be worked around of course, but it will take a few more lines.
using BenchmarkTools
using StaticNumbers
# Calculate 1.01^1000
# Resursive
function recPow0(x,i,j)
i>j && return x
# Loop
function loopPow0(s,i,j)
for i0=i:j
s= 1.01*s
# Resursive static
function recPow1(x,i,j)
i>j && return x
# Loop static
function loopPow1(s,i,j)
for i0=i:j
s= static(1.01)*s
testRecPow0() = recPow0( 1.0, 1, 1000)
testLoopPow0() = loopPow0( 1.0, 1, 1000)
testRecPow1() = recPow1( static(1.0), static(1), static(1000))
testLoopPow1() = loopPow1( static(1.0), static(1), static(1000))
@btime testRecPow0()
@btime testLoopPow0()
@btime testRecPow1()
@btime testLoopPow1()