CSV Segmentation fault in project environment

Hello guys,

I added CSV.jl to my project environment (]add CSV). When I used the CSV package, I got segmentation fault and exit of the REPL. But when I use the @v1.4 environment everything works normal. I try to remove and add again, or build, I was still getting the same behavior. How should I fix that? Thank you for any help!

using CSV, DataFrames
Environment of v1.4
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Project.toml`
  [c52e3926] Atom v0.12.15
  [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v0.5.0
  [336ed68f] CSV v0.7.7
  [aaaa29a8] Clustering v0.14.1
  [944b1d66] CodecZlib v0.6.0
  [717857b8] DSP v0.6.7
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.21.2
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.23.4
  [c2308a5c] FASTX v1.1.2
  [b2b3ca75] HMMBase v1.0.6
  [7073ff75] IJulia v1.21.2
  [033835bb] JLD2 v0.1.14
  [e5e0dc1b] Juno v0.8.2
  [42b8e9d4] ParallelKMeans v0.1.8
  [69de0a69] Parsers v1.0.5
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.5.7
  [d330b81b] PyPlot v2.9.0
  [2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.33.0
  [fd094767] Suppressor v0.2.0
  [e0df1984] TextParse v1.0.0
  [44d3d7a6] Weave v0.10.2
  [2f01184e] SparseArrays

Environment of my project
Status `/Extension_HDD1/GitHub-Projects/My_Project/Project.toml`
  [336ed68f] CSV v0.7.7

Error then exit Julia

signal (11): Segmentation fault
in expression starting at REPL[3]:1
in expres11): Segmentation fault
in expression starting at REPL[3]:1
== at ./promotion.jl:398 [inlined]
== at ./pointer.jl:155 [inlined]
unsafe_convert at ./mpfr.jl:134 [inlined]
scale at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:332 [inlined]
scale at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:403 [inlined]
typeparser at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:277 [inlined]
typeparser at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:19 [inlined]
xparse at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/Parsers.jl:254 [inlined]
parsevalue! at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:914
parserow at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:667 [inlined]
parsefilechunk! at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:557
unknown function (ip: 0x7f806c0bfcd2)
_jl_invoke at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2159 [inlined]
jl_apply_generic at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2323
macro expansion at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:442 [inlined]
#34 at ./threadingconstructs.jl:126
unknown function (ip: 0x7f806c0bb9e4)
_jl_invoke at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2159 [inlined]
jl_apply_generic at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2323
== at ./promotion.jl:398 [inlined]
== at ./pointer.jl:155 [inlined]
unsafe_convert at ./mpfr.jl:134 [inlined]
scale at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:332 [inlined]
scale at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:403 [inlined]
typeparser at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:277 [inlined]
typeparser at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/floats.jl:19 [inlined]
xparse at /home/coco/.julia/packages/Parsers/AF18A/src/Parsers.jl:254 [inlined]
parsevalue! at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:914
parserow at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:667 [inlined]
parsefilechunk! at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:557
unknown function (ip: 0x7f806c0bfcd2)
_jl_invoke at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2159 [inlined]
jl_apply_generic at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2323
macro expansion at /home/coco/.julia/packages/CSV/MKemC/src/file.jl:442 [inlined]
#34 at ./threadingconstructs.jl:126
unknown function (ip: 0x7f806c0bb9e4)
_jl_invoke at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2159 [inlined]
jl_apply_generic at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/gf.c:2323
jl_apply at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/julia.h:1700 [inlined]
start_task at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/src/task.c:687
unknown function (ip: (nil))
Allocations: 22148730 (Pool: 22144490; Big: 4240); GC: 24
[1]    13256 segmentation fault (core dumped)  julia

i’d say check if you have enough disk space and RAM. And report a bug on CSV.jl github after.

When I was at the v1.4 environment running the same code to load the same CSV file, it does not have any problem. So I think it should not be out of RAM issue.

both env are on CSV 0.7.7?

Try delete the manifest.toml in ur 1.4 environment and close julia. Then ]instantiate and see if error happens.

Check if ur harddrive is full not just RAM