I currently have Julia 1.10.4, but I want to run Julia 1.7.3 from within VScode. I installed via juliaup, and my new install location is:
Then, via the terminal, I created a new environment
activate --shared test
Now my manifest.toml
file looks like this:
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
julia_version = "1.7.3"
manifest_format = "2.0"
However, when I open a file from within VSCode (And I have Julia env: test
) and run Pkg.activate(".")
, it then has versioninfo()
→ Julia 1.10.4.
How do I run Julia 1.7.3 from within VScode? It seems I have it installed with juliaup and I’m in that environment but it still doesn’t work. (I’ve tried explicitly added the julia.exe I have above as executable path but it says that path is not an environment).
I.e. how come when I’m in a 1.7.3 environment it still creates a 1.10 terminal/REPL?