Hey all!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying inside/well during these trying times. I wanted to give a quick update and also put out a wider call for additional conversation/help on the JuliaAcademy front.
Update: So far, we have more than 3 courses in active development.
- DataFrames Course: Bogumił Kamiński
- Data Science Course: Huda Nassar
- Images Course: Tim Holy
- More coming soon!
These courses will be an awesome addition to our offerings on JuliaAcademy. As I mentioned above, we are also looking for other courses to be added with a focus on making that domain accessible to everyone interested.
If you are a package maintainer, teacher, or just generally want to teach people stuff about Julia, please feel free to reply here and we can chat or email/slack me so we can talk privately.
Just a quick reminder: JuliaAcademy is free and the authors of these courses retain the rights to the content. JuliaComputing currently pays the hosting fees for JuliaAcademy but this is meant to be a community resource.