Creating Blog Posts in Julia Pluto Style


I’m thinking about starting to write blog posts with Julia about optics.

I’m slightly overwhelmed by the rapidly changing possible infrastructures around Pluto.jl, Franklin.jl, Literate.jl, …

I’m happy to get any prompts around blogs generated with Julia code, containing images, possibly some more complex code examples.

So potentially a Pluto notebook which generates a static .html which I could include in my existing Franklin page.




I’m doing mine with quarto and source GitHub - jkrumbiegel/

I switched from Franklin at the time because I had to rerender everything whenever I just wanted to make changes to the style of the site, as Franklin renders directly to HTML. Quarto promised a simpler workflow where I render and store a “frozen” intermediate representation of each post and quarto renders the actual site out of that. So I don’t have to rerun years-old posts with old julia versions etc. when I update something unrelated. So far it works well but I also haven’t posted anything in a while.

There have been requests to render Pluto notebooks via quarto, but that probably doesn’t make too much sense if you want to use any advanced quarto features. But for a basic setup where you just want to use reactivity for writing the post, but don’t care about the Pluto visual style for the end result, you could probably convert the Pluto jl to a quarto qmd without a lot of work.