I read this:
I know the MiniFB needs a browser, I use dual boot OS, one(LFS OS) has no browser thus has a problem with MiniFB, one (CAELinux) has standard browser firefox thus can use Pluto.jl and can show the visual window like yours for the simulation.
I just want to show the result without browser, not depending much on browser. Julia REPL and Plots shall be enough. I will try to convert your code from @play
Btw, I try this code and the gif is not showing up:
using Luxor, MiniFB
if !(@isdefined var"@play")
include(dirname(pathof(Luxor)) * "/play.jl")
w, h = 600, 400
ntrig = 360
sinarray = sind.(1:ntrig)
cosarray = cosd.(1:ntrig)
i = 1
@play w h begin
background("gray"); sethue("white")
# translate near bottom right corner
origin(0.8w, 0.8h)
setline(1); setopacity(1)
cr = 0.15h
circle(0, 0, cr, :stroke)
circle_marker_pos = getworldposition(Point(cr*cosarray[i], cr*sinarray[i]))
# translate to lower 20%, on the left
origin(0, 0.8h)
setline(1); setopacity(1)
scale(1.0, cr)
# draw a sin wave
for j in 1:ntrig-1
p1 = Point(j, sinarray[mod(j+i, ntrig)+1])
p2 = Point((j+1), sinarray[mod(j+i+1, ntrig)+1])
line(p1, p2, :stroke)
# record the last point of the sin wave
sin_marker_pos = getworldposition(Point(ntrig,sinarray[mod(ntrig+i, ntrig)+1]))
# translate to top left corner, then down 20%
origin(0, 0.2h)
scale(1.0, cr)
setline(1); setopacity(1)
# draw a sin wave
for j in 1:ntrig-1
p1 = Point(j, cosarray[mod(j+i, ntrig)+1])
p2 = Point((j+1), cosarray[mod(j+i+1, ntrig)+1])
line(p1, p2, :stroke)
# record the last point of the sin wave
cos_marker_pos = getworldposition(Point(ntrig, cosarray[mod(ntrig+i, ntrig)+1]))
# mark the last point of the sin and cos waves
setline(2); setopacity(1);
circle(sin_marker_pos, 2, :stroke)
circle(cos_marker_pos, 2, :stroke)
circle(circle_marker_pos, 2, :stroke)
# draw connecting lines between the wave and the circle
setline(1); setopacity(0.5)
line(sin_marker_pos, circle_marker_pos, :stroke)
# line(cos_marker_pos, circle_marker_pos, :stroke)
i %= ntrig
i += 1
function frame(scene, i)
movie = Movie(600, 400, "Lasthrim")
animate(movie, [Scene(demo, frame, 0:359)], creategif=true, pathname = "sincoscircleluxor.gif")