Create_library method not exporting the ccallable function

I am trying to precompile my module using create_library method and try to call the functions exported in dll files from my julia app but create_library isn’t exporting ccallable functions that has been created in my module.

Could you please check and let me know if any corrections has to be made?

Below is the module that I have created.


module MyModule

export run_module

using CxxWrap

# Your existing run function

# C-compatible entry point function

#global julia_run_module1 = @cfunction(run_module, Cvoid, (Cstring,))

function run(params)
    println("Running Module 1 with parameters: $params")

Base.@ccallable function run_module(params::Cstring)::Cvoid

end # module


void run_module(const char* params);

The command I have tried to run is the below:

PackageCompiler.create_library(“MyTest”, out_path; lib_name = “libmypackage”, incremental=false, filter_stdlibs=true, force=true, header_files = [“$lib_path”])

Below are the functions I am seeing under Export folder in my libmypackage.dll file:

libmypackage.dll (25)
Ordinal	Hint	Function	EntryPoint	EntryName
1	0	_DllMainCRTStartup	0x0052A320	
2	1	get_sysimage_path	0x0052A360	
3	2	init_julia	0x0052A450	
4	3	jl_RTLD_DEFAULT_handle_pointer	0x049AE400	
5	4	jl_clone_idxs_0	0x049AE3D8	
6	5	jl_clone_offsets_0	0x049AE3DC	
7	6	jl_clone_slots_0	0x049AE3D4	
8	7	jl_fvar_base_0	0x000014B0	
9	8	jl_fvar_idxs_0	0x04988DD0	
10	9	jl_fvar_offsets_0	0x04997D20	
11	10	jl_gvar_base_0	0x04A57B58	
12	11	jl_gvar_idxs_0	0x04981670	
13	12	jl_gvar_offsets_0	0x049A6C70	
14	13	jl_image_pointers	0x0052CB30	
15	14	jl_pgcstack_func_slot	0x04A5EB80	
16	15	jl_pgcstack_key_slot	0x04A5EB88	
17	16	jl_ptls_table	0x0052CB00	
18	17	jl_shard_tables	0x0052CAB0	
19	18	jl_small_typeof	0x04A5EBA0	
20	19	jl_system_image_data	0x0052CB80	
21	20	jl_system_image_size	0x049AE488	
22	21	jl_tls_offset	0x04A5EB90	
23	22	set_depot_load_path	0x0052A3D0	
24	23	setup_args	0x0052A330	
25	24	shutdown_julia	0x0052A4D0