CPU multithreading: why can't my code estimate PI (throwing darts)?


Goal: Estimating PI by throwing darts in a square and checking if they hit the unit-circle.

I have 2 questions:

  1. Why does the following code always underestimate the value of PI?
  2. Second piece of code: Why does wrapping the for-loop in a @sync eat up all the memory?


function throw_dart()
    x = rand() * 2 - 1
    y = rand() * 2 - 1
    return( (x*x + y*y) <= 1 )

function estimate_pi(N)
    println("Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: ", Threads.nthreads())
    hits_in_circle = 0
    for _ = 1:N
        Threads.@spawn begin
            hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()
    pi_est = 4 * hits_in_circle / N
    println("PI is ", pi_est)

const nr_of_throws = 2^24


I run the code like this:

julia.exe --threads=auto d:\projects\julia\estimate_pi\darts_cpu_multithreading.jl

But something like this comes out every time:

C:\Users\Erwin>julia.exe --threads=auto d:\projects\julia\estimate_pi\darts_cpu_multithreading.jl
Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: 8
PI is 2.893035650253296

C:\Users\Erwin>julia.exe --threads=auto d:\projects\julia\estimate_pi\darts_cpu_multithreading.jl
Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: 8
PI is 2.9227113723754883

etc. etc. Always too low.

Second question: 2) Second piece of code: Why does wrapping the for-loop in a @sync eat up all the memory?

Reason: I (naively) expected that the for-block maybe needed to finish, so I tried to sync it, but that didn’t work either.

This following code doesn’t work nicely: (Only added that @sync)

function throw_dart()
    x = rand() * 2 - 1
    y = rand() * 2 - 1
    return( (x*x + y*y) <= 1 )

function estimate_pi(N)
    println("Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: ", Threads.nthreads())
    hits_in_circle = 0
    @sync for _ = 1:N
        Threads.@spawn begin
            hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()
    pi_est = 4 * hits_in_circle / N
    println("PI is ", pi_est)

const nr_of_throws = 2^24


Well there are a number of problems present here. Let’s start high level and work towards the more technical things. In the end, I will present a simple solution using OhMyThreads.jl.

General strategy

for _ = 1:N
    Threads.@spawn begin
        hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()

Ignoring all the other details, this code spawns a Task for every shot you want to do - in total a whopping 2^24 Tasks. This is not a good a idea, because Task come with some overhead, so the amount of work a Task does needs to amortize this. A single throw_dart is insanely cheap (4.7ns on my machine) and Task creation has an overhead of \mathcal{O}(\mu s) due to creating and scheduling IIRC. On top of that a Task allocates a bit of context, which might cause the memory issues you are seeing.

What you should do instead: Split your workload in decently sized chunks and spawn a Task for every chunk. This is facilitated by packages like ChunkSplitters.jl. In your case it is rather easy to just divide the range up (note this code is still incorrect!):

function estimate_pi(N)
    nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
    chunksize = ceil(Int, N/nthreads) # round value up
    println("Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: ", nthreads)
    hits_in_circle = 0
    for _ = 1:nthreads
        Threads.@spawn begin
            for _ in 1:chunksize
                hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()
    pi_est = 4 * hits_in_circle / (nthreads*chunksize)
    println("PI is ", pi_est)


This code does not work, because you just tell Julia to create and run these tasks but not to wait for them to finish. This can be fixed easily with putting @sync front of the outer loop. This time no out-of-memory should occur, however the results likely are still wrong.

Race condition

Even with @sync the result is likely too small. This is because you have multiple threads reading and writing to/from the same memory location concurrently here:

hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()

This line really consists of the individual steps:

  1. Read the value of hits_in_circle
  2. Add the result from throw_dart
  3. Write result back to memory

If you have multiple threads doing this concurrently, then you risk losing some hits, if 2 threads read at the same time. There are a couple of ways around this like using so called atomic instructions or locks or some other synchronization mechanism. But all of these cost you performance. So it is best to restructure your code, to make the race condition disappear. This is very easy in this case: Every Task can just accumulate in a local variable and then return this total. Then you just need to sum up the individual results and there is no chance to ever have a data race :slight_smile:
This could look like:

function estimate_pi(N)
    nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
    chunksize = ceil(Int, N/nthreads) # round value up
    println("Running estimate PI with MULTI threading on CPU. nr of threads: ", nthreads)
    tasks = []
    for _ = 1:nthreads
        task = Threads.@spawn begin
            hits_in_circle = 0
            for _ in 1:chunksize
                hits_in_circle = hits_in_circle + throw_dart()
            hits_in_circle # return the value
        push!(tasks, task)
    total = mapreduce(fetch, +, tasks) # fetch results from the individual tasks and add up
    # since we use fetch no @sync is needed
    pi_est = 4 * total / (nthreads*chunksize)
    println("PI is ", pi_est)

Easy solution with OhMyThreads.jl

Okay now that I explained the pitfalls, I will show you how easy this could be :slight_smile: I will just copy the example from OhMyThreads’s Readme:

function estimate_pi(N; ntasks=nthreads())
    M = tmapreduce(+, 1:N; ntasks) do i
        rand()^2 + rand()^2 < 1.0
    pi = 4 * M / N
    return pi

Thank you very much abraemer,

That cleaned up a lot of misconceptions on my side!

My code was creating a task for each dart instead of reusing the task for multiple darts-throws.

I looked into OhMyThreads, but I think it is more instructual for me to first fall into a few more pitfalls, before abstracting it away. :wink:

Again, thank you for your time.


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