I have a optimization procedure that used to work but now I’m getting an error. Is it related to the new CPLEX.jl package? A simple working example that produces the error is:
m = Model(CPLEX.Optimizer)
@variable m x[1:10]
@variable m y
tmp = @expression m (y + x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4] + x[5] - x[6] - x[7] - x[8] - x[9] - x[10] - .5)^2
@objective m Min tmp
This produces the error
ERROR: Matrix Q must be either symmetric or triangular
[1] add_qpterms!(::CPLEX.Model, ::Array{Int32,1}, ::Array{Int32,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/paul/.julia/packages/CPLEX/DgohF/src/cpx_quad.jl:17
Like I said, I used to have an optimization procedure essentially like this that worked well with JuMP and CPLEX. I’m unsure if this is a bug and if I should post it somewhere?
Ok, this is a silly question. But updating CPLEX keeps the version at v0.6.6. I even updated julia to make sure its version 1.5.2 but it still won’t update. I thought the new version was tagged?
Ok, I’m really sorry for these questions. But now I can’t install CPLEX again. I re-downloaded the binaries to make sure it was greater than version 12.10, I set the ENV["CPLEX_STUDIO_BINARIES"] variables correctly and whenever I tried to build it it says no cplex in and then lists the folders in my PATH variable? Did it package get changed to look for the binaries in the PATH and not CPLEX_STUDIO_BINARIES folders?
Ok, so it looks like the version I just downloaded is 12.80. Is the only version supported by CPLEX 12.10? I don’t even know how I would get that version
That is strange. I had literally just done that. But I did it again and this time it was 12.10. I guess I made a mistake. Thanks for the help. Everything from my original question works now