currently, socket read/write are through stream interface, and it’s buffered. and to read that, there is an extra memory copy with take!
what is the proper way to do direct socket io, without memory copy?(or is direct socket bad, thus designed to be buffered? or such copy should not be a major concern)
should i replace those buffer?
# for read
mybuffer = IOBuffer()
socket.buffer = mybuffer
# then check out my buffer
# for write
mybuffer = IOBuffer()
# write something to mybuffer
socket.sendbuf = nothing # perform flush if necessary
Base.unsafe_write(socket, pointer(, nb)
this does not look good/correct to me. is there simple way to do this?
ideally i want something like
# for read
buffer = zeros(UInt8, maxsize)
while should_continue
n_read = readbytes!(socket, buffer, maxsize; all = false) # fill at most maxsize
# do something with buffer
# clean up if necessary
# for write
buffer = zeros(UInt8, maxsize)
while should_continue
# write something to buffer
n_written = write(socket, buffer, nbytes)
# clear buffer if necessary