Converting toggle button to slider for Interact.jl

I have created an interactive plot for a dataframe df with column names a, b, c

5×5 DataFrame
 Row │     a       b       c  
     │ Int64   Int64   Int64  
   1 │     1      3      2     
   2 │     2      2      1      
   3 │     3      2      3      
using DataFrame
df = DataFrame(:a=>[1,2,3], :b=>[3,2,2], :c=>[2,1,3])
mp = @manipulate for i = names(df)  
    x = [1,2,3]
	y = df[:, i]
    plot1 = Plots.plot(x, y)
ui = dom"div"(mp)
WebIO.webio_serve(page("/", req -> ui), 8006)

The issue with the code is that it creates toggle buttons, but I rather want a slider to change the entries.
Please suggest a solution to convert the buttons into a slider.
