I have a 3D array (X::Array{Int8, 3}
, size N x K x 2
). How can I convert it to a Matrix (size N x K
) of Vector
such that new X
will be X[i, j] = X[i, j, :]
with very little new memory allocation.
Vishnu Raj
I have a 3D array (X::Array{Int8, 3}
, size N x K x 2
). How can I convert it to a Matrix (size N x K
) of Vector
such that new X
will be X[i, j] = X[i, j, :]
with very little new memory allocation.
Vishnu Raj
map(CartesianIndices(axes(vol)[1:2])) do i
vol[Tuple(i)..., :]
You can also use views, if that works for your use case (view(vol, Tuple(i)..., :)
Btw, that sounds like a job for StaticArrays:
using StaticArrays
vol = rand(1000, 1000, 2)
function test(vol)
ax = axes(vol)
map(CartesianIndices((ax[1], ax[2]))) do i
x, y = Tuple(i)
SVector(ntuple(z-> vol[x, y, z], 2))
Which should allocate much less and be much more gc friendly
@sdanisch, that is pretty advanced code and hard to grasp
An alternative herein, using TensorCast.jl, which seems to use the same “black box technology” under the hood as StaticArrays, but thanks to a very logical and accessible syntax, one can get equivalent results in a more user-friendly way:
using TensorCast
@cast out2[i,j]{k} := vol[i,j,k]
NB: curly brackets allow different interpretation slices of the same memory, and assignment :=
returns views
Note that if you can cheat a bit (don’t need a Matrix
, but an AbstractMatrix
with the same shape will do), you can use essentially no memory at all with StructArrays + StaticArrays
julia> using StaticArrays, StructArrays, BenchmarkTools
julia> function to_structarray(X::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T, N}
return StructArray{SVector{2, T}}(X, dims=N)
to_structarray (generic function with 1 method)
julia> X = rand(Int8, 1000, 1000, 2);
julia> @btime S = to_structarray($X)
540.741 ns (8 allocations: 368 bytes)
1000Ă—1000 StructArray(view(::Array{Int8, 3}, :, :, 1), view(::Array{Int8, 3}, :, :, 2)) with eltype SVector{2, Int8}:
[-122, 88] [95, 113] [-66, 65] [37, -3] … [73, -90] [-50, -98] [37, 5] [78, -51]
[-126, -16] [-54, 5] [94, 38] [78, 84] [-23, -34] [24, -15] [102, 50] [-122, -62]
⋮ ⋱
[-76, -88] [78, 20] [91, -34] [26, 52] [-117, 58] [-60, -95] [-125, -35] [-60, 68]
[7, 54] [66, 78] [68, -61] [66, -83] [93, -123] [-124, -47] [15, 106] [2, -72]
If you want a concrete Matrix
you can do collect(S)
, but depending on your application you may not need to.
Thank you for all your answers. I tried to benchmark the solutions (code below).
The results were for a 500 x 500 x 2
3D Array.
Using StaticArray, by @sdanisch : 4.280 ÎĽs (1 allocation: 5.06 KiB)
Using TensorCast, by @rafael.guerra : 515.948 ns (6 allocations: 288 bytes)
Using StaticArrays and StructArrays, by @piever : 403.785 ns (8 allocations: 368 bytes)
It seems using TensorCast as suggested by @rafael.guerra gives the best.
Code used:
using BenchmarkTools
# Using StaticArray, by @sdanisch
using StaticArrays
function method1(X)
ax = axes(X)
map(CartesianIndices((ax[1], ax[2]))) do i
x, y = Tuple(i)
SVector(ntuple(z -> X[x, y, z], 2))
# Using TensorCast, by @rafael.guerra
using TensorCast
function method2(X)
@cast out[i, j]{k} := X[i, j, k]
# Using StaticArrays and StructArrays, by @piever
using StaticArrays, StructArrays
function method3(X::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T, N}
return StructArray{SVector{2, T}}(X, dims=N)
### Benchmarking
X = rand(Int8, 50, 50, 2);
@btime X1 = method1($X);
@btime X2 = method2($X);
@btime X3 = method3($X);
Note that if you go for the TensorCast solution (which IIUC under the hood uses reinterpret
to reinterpret a given block of memory as a matrix of SVector
s) you should try to have your data in the 2 x N x K
rather than N x K x 2
format. Then you can just do reinterpret(reshape, SVector{2, Int8}, X)
to get your matrix, as each SVector
is stored contiguously in the array as X[:, j, k]
The N x K x 2
format is a “struct of arrays” format, where the first component of all the arrays X[:, :, 1]
is stored contiguously, and so is the second component X[:, :, 2]
To see what I mean in practice, experiment benchmarking functions that use the resulting arrays. For example @btime sum($X2)
(where X2
was computed with TensorCast) should be substantially slower than @btime sum($X1)
or @btime sum($X3)
(which hopefully should be very similar).
This is correct. It applies this to something like a PermutedDimsArray
when given the N x K x 2
format, I’m somewhat surprised this works in fact, and would not expect it to be particularly fast. The simple re-interpretation is things like @cast out3[j,k]{i} := vol3[i,j,k]
, making SVectors from the first dimension.
I 'm not sure it knows about reinterpret(reshape, ...
(which was new in Julia 1.6), so it inserts more reshapes than ideal:
julia> @cast out2[i,j]{k} := vol[i,j,k]; summary(out2)
"1000Ă—1000 reshape(reinterpret(StaticArrays.SVector{2, Float64}, reshape(transmute(::Array{Float64, 3}, (3, 1, 2)), 2000000)), 1000, 1000) with eltype StaticArrays.SVector{2, Float64}"