happy new year!
I have some confusion around the meaning of ::
and <:
. Please take a look at the following:
function f(x::Real)
println("f ", x)
function g1(x::Vector{Real})
println("g1 ", x)
function g2(x::Vector{<:Real})
println("g2 ", x)
julia> f(3)
f 3
julia> f(3.2)
f 3.2
julia> g1([3,2])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching g1(::Array{Int64,1})
julia> g1([3.0,2.0])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching g1(::Array{Float64,1})
julia> g2([3,2])
g2 [3, 2]
julia> g2([3.0,2.0])
g2 [3.0, 2.0]
We use ::
in f()
to specify x is a subtype of Real
(NOT the type of Real
While in g2()
, we need to use <:
(rather than ::
) to specify that the parameter (of the parametric type) is a subtype of Real
Note that calling g1()
always fails.
I have confusion about these notations.
Is it better to fix the meaning of ::
to be “the type of”, and <:
to be “the subtype of” ? If it’s the case, the following should be allowed (but not now):
julia> function f2(x<:Real)
println("f ", x)
ERROR: syntax: "x <: Real" is not a valid function argument name