I’ve written a function that loops over a large table and is running slower than I expected. The source of the problem seems to be a huge amount of extra allocations. I’ve created the following minimal example that demonstrates the issue:
using DataFrames
using Tables
function f(xs)
a = Tables.columntable(xs)
for _ in 1:length(a.x)
julia> d = DataFrame((x=rand(10^6)));
julia> @time f(d)
0.109198 seconds (3.01 M allocations: 61.923 MiB, 8.61% gc time, 24.60% compilation time)
julia> @time f(d)
0.130291 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 61.020 MiB, 13.04% gc time)
Is this a bug? Why would an empty loop over a range generate millions of allocations (the number of allocations scales with the size of the dataframe).
It’s type unstable. The type of a cannot be inferred, so the type of the range can’t be inferred. So all those allocations will be from unboxing and boxing while iterating over the range.
To avoid this you can put the main body of the function into a second function which accepts a itself.
julia> @time begin L = length(Tables.columntable(d).x); for i = 1:L end end;
0.054953 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 61.020 MiB, 13.82% gc time)
julia> @time begin L = length(Tables.columntable(d).x); for i = 1:L÷100 end end;
0.000486 seconds (28.99 k allocations: 609.469 KiB)
julia> @time begin L = Int64(length(Tables.columntable(d).x)); for i = 1:L end end;
0.050081 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 61.020 MiB, 9.13% gc time)
julia> @time begin L = Int64(length(Tables.columntable(d).x)); for i = 1:L÷100 end end;
0.001008 seconds (28.99 k allocations: 609.469 KiB)