Hi, for a library I am working now I need to find minimum and maximum values. I am looking elegant way to express that.
signal1 = rand(10000000)
signal2 = rand(10000000)
@time lo, hi = extrema(vcat(signal1, signal2))
0.159702 seconds (7 allocations: 152.588 MiB)
Code above looks good but allocates lots of memory just to iterate values, so it’s not making sense for me.
In C# I can write
(lo, hi) = signal1.Concat(signal2).Extrema();
and there is no allocation at all. It there any predefined method in Base that works in a similar way?
julia> vec1 = rand(100);
julia> vec2 = rand(100);
julia> extrema1 = extrema(vec1)
(0.019555577401858537, 0.9995712478383711)
julia> extrema2 = extrema(vec2)
(0.016606741252352952, 0.9849117868980357)
julia> extrema_combined = extrema(vcat(collect(extrema1),collect(extrema2)))
(0.016606741252352952, 0.9995712478383711)
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will allocate, and so will vcat
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@ChrisRackauckas it still allocates memory
@time Iterators.flatten((signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.285192 seconds (20.00 M allocations: 610.352 MiB, 24.17% gc time)
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julia> length(extrema1)
Yes it will allocate! I am losing sleep over the remaining of my 8 gigabytes of computer memory.
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@ChrisRackauckas , ok this works for me, I need to read implementations to understand what is going on
@time Iterators.flatten(zip(signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.080821 seconds (8 allocations: 256 bytes)
Just because an example is length 2 doesn’t mean the real code is… it’s still a valid question to compose iterators without allocating intermediates…
I think @StevenSiew is right here, extrema
always returns 2 elements no matter how long input is, and it does not allocate.
I will stick to solution with Iterators.flatten
, I wrote a helper method
function concatenate(iterables...)
return zip(iterables...) |> Iterators.flatten
@time lo, hi = extrema(concatenate(signal1, signal2))
0.072824 seconds (12 allocations: 352 bytes)
(4.430056321780285e-9, 0.9999998165880861)
I cannot reason why sometimes flatten
allocates even more than the size of arrays is
@time Iterators.flatten((signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.281161 seconds (20.00 M allocations: 610.352 MiB, 23.62% gc time)
(4.430056321780285e-9, 0.9999998165880861)
@time Iterators.flatten([signal1; signal2;]) |> extrema
0.174777 seconds (8 allocations: 152.588 MiB, 11.98% gc time)
(4.430056321780285e-9, 0.9999998165880861)
@time Iterators.flatten(vcat(signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.159507 seconds (8 allocations: 152.588 MiB)
@time Iterators.flatten(zip(signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.073975 seconds (8 allocations: 256 bytes)
(4.430056321780285e-9, 0.9999998165880861)
It seems implementation is here, correct me if I am wrong:
I will try to figure it out tomorrow, it’s very late in my time zone.
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It looks like the problem is with extrema function. I put details in existing github issue. It describes different problem but they can be fixed together. I think I have draft of the solution, if no one will reply I will open pull request.
Is CatViews.jl
useful for your purposes?
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Nope, it is slow and allocates memory like a crazy, but thanks, the API is nice.
ulia> @time CatView(signal1, signal2) |> minimum
24.332661 seconds (320.16 M allocations: 14.611 GiB, 6.30% gc time)
julia> @time CatView(signal1, signal2) |> extrema
25.199472 seconds (340.00 M allocations: 14.901 GiB, 6.13% gc time)
(2.4065947235030194e-8, 0.9999999501303669)
julia> @time Iterators.flatten((signal1, signal2)) |> extrema
0.311673 seconds (20.00 M allocations: 610.352 MiB, 25.23% gc time)
(2.4065947235030194e-8, 0.9999999501303669)
Wow, interesing! I thought that was what CatViews was for!
Argel Ramírez Reyes
January 14, 2020, 6:51am
In addition to the problems with extrema
, you shouldn’t use the @time
macro for benchmarking, and especially avoid benchmarking with non-constant globals.
Use the BenchmarkTools package, and remember to interpolate the variables.
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January 14, 2020, 7:21am
Flatten is a typical example where performance is not great with the lazy iterator approach. Fortunately, we’ll have transducers in Julia 1.4. It means that we can write efficient “fused” extrema quite easily:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime extrema(Iterators.flatten(($signal1, $signal2)));
258.958 ms (20000002 allocations: 610.35 MiB)
julia> @btime mapfoldl(
x -> (x, x),
((a, b), (c, d)) -> (min(a, c), max(b, d)),
Iterators.flatten(($signal1, $signal2)),
42.014 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
OK, I lied. Above example actually does not work yet, until this bug fix is merged
Trying to comment here actually helped me find out this bug
This solution is not particularly nice but it is allocation free in released Julia 1.x versions:
julia> @btime extrema(Iterators.flatten(extrema.(($signal1, $signal2))));
47.482 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
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January 14, 2020, 7:59am
julia> @btime mapfoldl(
x -> (x, x),
((a, b), (c, d)) -> (min(a, c), max(b, d)),
Iterators.flatten(($signal1, $signal2)), );
Is this the syntax with transducers? I must admit I find it a bit hard to read.
January 14, 2020, 8:12am
The ugly mapfoldl
I wrote above is just a plain old mapfoldl
. It should be executable in all Julia 1.x.
I should’ve clarified that transducers built in Base
is just an implementation detail for executing foldl
(see Transducer as an optimization: map, filter and flatten by tkf · Pull Request #33526 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub ). Things like sum(x for x in xs if x !== missing)
are processed through transducers “behind your back” so that it can be compiled to a better machine code. But there is no stable API for touching transducers in Base
I think it’s better to use transducers in reduce
as well so that you can just write extrema(Iterators.flatten(...))
and it’s fast.
@tkf , thank you so much, I am happy my example helped you to fix that
I am coming from C# and F# world, and I am really missing those pipelining features. When I first realised that in Julia map(x->2x, someArray)
allocates and array for its result I was more than disappointed