Computational Speed

Dear All,

I have tested a simple benchmark:

In Juno 1.1.0, windows

using CPUTime



elapsed CPU time: 285.61 seconds

However, in Matlab



Elapsed time is 20.122736 seconds.

Both simulations in the same pc (ie7, 4cpus), not using parallel simulations (parpool)

Why such a simulation in Julia runs too slowly?
How can we improve the speed without MPI?

Julia uses OpenBLAS, and MATLAB uses MKL. The easiest way to use Julia with MKL is probably:

BLAS is multithreaded.
If BLAS is using 8 threads, CPU time will elapse at about 8 CPU seconds per second.

Therefore, be sure to actually time both in the same way.
For example, simply

@time begin

I have used your method in Julia

43.088418 seconds (13 allocations: 1.495 GiB, 0.42% gc time)


20.122736 seconds.

If I use MKL, then

 43.684950 seconds (13 allocations: 1.495 GiB, 1.06% gc time)

using CPUTime
using LinearAlgebra


@time begin

How many physical cores does your CPU have?
Often, that will be half of Sys.CPU_THREADS, but sometimes the two will be equal.

Try BLAS.set_num_threads(NUMBER_PHYSICAL_CORES). When the numbers are not equal, this will be faster than using Sys.CPU_THREADS threads.

Almost 100% of the time is being spent in BLAS/LAPACK, so if both are using MKL, I donā€™t know why their ought to be a difference. Unless theyā€™re defaulting to different BLAS calls under the hood.

Also, Iā€™d just like to confirm that you restarted your Julia session after building MKL.jl?

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If you use MKL in both cases, you can get a more realistic result. At least I find this:


>> tic()
MM = rand(10000,10000);
mmm = inv(MM);
Elapsed time is 15.251977 seconds.

With JuliaPro 0.6.0 (MKL):

function testInv(n)
    MM = rand(Float64,n,n)
   mmm = inv(MM)

julia> @time testInv(10000);
 13.208193 seconds (21 allocations: 2.285 GiB, 1.47% gc time)
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IF you use Juno?

function testInv(n)
    MM = rand(Float64,n,n)
   mmm = inv(MM)

 @time testInv(10000);

47.049461 seconds (2.82 k allocations: 1.495 GiB, 0.36% gc time)




Elapsed time is 23.070654 seconds.


 43.998483 seconds (1.19 M allocations: 1.552 GiB, 0.19% gc time)

Directly in the REPL, with OpenBLAS (Julia 1.1.0) I get:

 30.744067 seconds (13 allocations: 1.495 GiB, 0.19% gc time)

vs. MKL (JuliaPro 0.6.0):

 13.208193 seconds (21 allocations: 2.285 GiB, 1.47% gc time)

I am using Julia 1.1.0 in JUNO.

Therefore, If I want to improve the computational speed, I have to use JuliaProā€¦???

FYI, benchmarking the inversion of a large matrix only depends on the BLAS library that is linked; it basically has nothing to do with the language. See also OpenBLAS: Julia slower than R - #2 by stevengj

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Sorry for that, may I ask why we donot use MKL as the default library ?

It is not open source.

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Free Intel Performance Librariesfor Everyone??

Free but not open source.

Warning: both Julia and NumPy are linked with MKL, which may cause conflicts and crashes (#433).

I think it is time for a FAQ entry, so I made one:


HI @Tamas_Papp, thank you!

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Gratis, but not free. In RMSā€™ words, free as in free beer, not free as in freedom.

Apart from politics, it is apparently nontrivial to sort out licensing in a way that permits to distribute compiled julia binaries with both MKL and GMP. Microsoft seems to believe that it is legally possible under some circumstances (cf existence of MRAN), and they presumably have competent lawyers who figured this out.

It looks like they are re-licensing MKL as ā€œMicrosoft R Services MKLā€. I assume this involves a deal between MS and Intel, as legally you enter into a license agreement with MS if using this product (even the MKL part).

I understand the considerations for speed, but I think that using a FOSS library by default for Julia is the right choice. I would be uncomfortable with using a black box (a very nice, well-tested black box, but a black box nevertheless) for research. Especially since if someone really wants to do it, installing & using MKL is always an option.

IMO the discrepancy in naive benchmarks between various languages is an orthogonal issue and should be addressed by user education.

Afaik the main problem is the possibility of running afoul of the GPL when distributing binaries that form a derived work (MRAN, Julia) of GPL code (R, GMP) and unfree code (MKL). I donā€™t exactly see how a deal between MS and intel helps with that.

IANAL, but it is definitely plausible that this is OK, in the same way that some linux distros dare to ship binaries for zfs; and it is at least not totally implausible that this is problematic, and some distros donā€™t ship zfs binaries (i.e. require zfs users to compile at home, as currently necessary when using MKL with julia). Iā€™ll assume that whatever MS is doing is legally sound, but canā€™t guess at what special circumstances are relevant to replicating that feat.


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