Computational performance 3D finite difference stencil for different vectorization methods and precision

I have a code that generates with a macro a finite difference stencil. I have disabled the macro in order to make a minimal working example, so please forgive me for this absurdly long line, it is not there in my normal code. I have three questions concerning the performance of two functions, one with LoopVectorization and one without.

  1. The performance difference is a factor 3. Is there a way to get the _ref function faster without having to use LoopVectorization, because the compilation time is very long (~250 s with LoopVectorization, ~ 1s without).
  2. Is there a way to use precompilation here to avoid this 250 s?
  3. Why is the performance gain of the _ref function so minimal if I move to Float32 while the function with @tturbo gains nearly a factor 2?
## Packages and settings.
using BenchmarkTools
using LoopVectorization

const float_type = Float64
const half = convert(float_type, 1/2)

## CPU dynamics kernel.
function dynamics_w_kernel!(
    wt, u, v, w, s,
    visc, alpha,
    dxi, dyi, dzi, dzhi,
    is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)

    @tturbo for k in ks:ke
        for j in js:je
            for i in is:ie
                # @fd (wt, u, v, w, s) wt += (
                #     - gradx(interpz(u) * interpx(w)) + visc * (gradx(gradx(w)))
                #     - grady(interpz(v) * interpy(w)) + visc * (grady(grady(w)))
                #     - gradz(interpz(w) * interpz(w)) + visc * (gradz(gradz(w)))
                #     + alpha*interpz(s) )
                wt[i, j, k] += ((((-((-1 * ((half * u[i, j, k - 1] + half * u[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i - 1, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * u[i + 1, j, k - 1] + half * u[i + 1, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i + 1, j, k]))) * dxi) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i - 1, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dxi) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i + 1, j, k]) * dxi)) * dxi)) - (-1 * ((half * v[i, j, k - 1] + half * v[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j - 1, k] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * v[i, j + 1, k - 1] + half * v[i, j + 1, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j + 1, k]))) * dyi) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i, j - 1, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dyi) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j + 1, k]) * dyi)) * dyi)) - (-1 * ((half * w[i, j, k - 1] + half * w[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k - 1] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k + 1]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k + 1]))) * dzhi[k]) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k - 1] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dzi[k - 1]) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k + 1]) * dzi[k])) * dzhi[k]) + alpha * (half * s[i, j, k - 1] + half * s[i, j, k])

function dynamics_w_kernel_ref!(
    wt, u, v, w, s,
    visc, alpha,
    dxi, dyi, dzi, dzhi,
    is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)

    Threads.@threads for k in ks:ke
        for j in js:je
            @simd for i in is:ie
                @inbounds wt[i, j, k] += ((((-((-1 * ((half * u[i, j, k - 1] + half * u[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i - 1, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * u[i + 1, j, k - 1] + half * u[i + 1, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i + 1, j, k]))) * dxi) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i - 1, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dxi) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i + 1, j, k]) * dxi)) * dxi)) - (-1 * ((half * v[i, j, k - 1] + half * v[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j - 1, k] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * v[i, j + 1, k - 1] + half * v[i, j + 1, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j + 1, k]))) * dyi) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i, j - 1, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dyi) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j + 1, k]) * dyi)) * dyi)) - (-1 * ((half * w[i, j, k - 1] + half * w[i, j, k]) * (half * w[i, j, k - 1] + half * w[i, j, k])) + 1 * ((half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k + 1]) * (half * w[i, j, k] + half * w[i, j, k + 1]))) * dzhi[k]) + visc * ((-1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k - 1] + 1 * w[i, j, k]) * dzi[k - 1]) + 1 * ((-1 * w[i, j, k] + 1 * w[i, j, k + 1]) * dzi[k])) * dzhi[k]) + alpha * (half * s[i, j, k - 1] + half * s[i, j, k])

## User input
itot = 384; jtot = 384; ktot = 384;
igc = 1; jgc = 1; kgc = 1;

icells = itot + 2igc; jcells = jtot + 2jgc; kcells = ktot + 2kgc
is = igc+1; ie = igc+itot; js = jgc+1; je = jgc+jtot; ks = kgc+1; ke = kgc+ktot

wt = rand(float_type, icells, jcells, kcells)
u = rand(float_type, icells, jcells, kcells)
v = rand(float_type, icells, jcells, kcells)
w = rand(float_type, icells, jcells, kcells)
s = rand(float_type, icells, jcells, kcells)
dxi = rand(float_type)
dyi = rand(float_type)
dzi = rand(float_type, kcells)
dzhi = rand(float_type, kcells)
visc = convert(float_type, 1)
alpha = convert(float_type, 9.81/300)

## Benchmark
for i in 1:10
    @time dynamics_w_kernel!(
        wt, u, v, w, s,
        visc, alpha,
        dxi, dyi, dzi, dzhi,
        is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)

for i in 1:10
    @time dynamics_w_kernel_ref!(
        wt, u, v, w, s,
        visc, alpha,
        dxi, dyi, dzi, dzhi,
        is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)

Any thoughts? I could use some good advice here.