Compilation time with `@time` wrong with multi-threading?

It seems that compilation time is not properly computed when a function is run multi-threaded, apparently increasing with the number of threads. For example, take the standard sum example of the docs:

julia> function sum_single(a)
           s = 0
           for i in a
               s += i
sum_single (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function sum_multi_good(a)
           chunks = Iterators.partition(a, length(a) ÷ Threads.nthreads())
           tasks = map(chunks) do chunk
               Threads.@spawn sum_single(chunk)
           chunk_sums = fetch.(tasks)
           return sum_single(chunk_sums)
sum_multi_good (generic function with 1 method)

If I start Julia with 4 threads, I get:

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:4_000_000)
  0.040086 seconds (49.33 k allocations: 3.509 MiB, 148.52% compilation time)

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:4_000_000)
  0.000185 seconds (34 allocations: 2.516 KiB)

Now if I start with 8 threads, but increase the workload by 2, I get:

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:8_000_000)
  0.040237 seconds (49.86 k allocations: 3.537 MiB, 335.67% compilation time)

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:8_000_000)
  0.000079 seconds (58 allocations: 4.641 KiB)

And now with 16 threads:

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:16_000_000)
  0.040438 seconds (50.94 k allocations: 3.592 MiB, 484.09% compilation time)

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:16_000_000)
  0.000252 seconds (106 allocations: 8.891 KiB)

Note how the excution time is similar for the first run in all cases, but reported compilation time is increasing.

With 32 threads I get:

julia> @time sum_multi_good(1:32_000_000)
  0.105830 seconds (53.08 k allocations: 3.703 MiB, 1804.13% compilation time)

(my computer does not have such many cores).

These compilation times do not seem to make sense. Do they?

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they do not. tracking compile time requires knowing when you are entering and exiting the compiler and when multiple threads call the compiler you can sometimes end up with double-counting. This is a bug.

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Is it known? Or should I report it? (done here:compilation time reported incorrectly with @time and multithreading · Issue #53016 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub)

Reporting it would be good probably. I think the general issue is known but good reproducers are always nice.