Comparing Folds/FLoop Executors

I wrote the following code to test the various executors profited by Floops.jl and FoldsThreads.jl to distribute work between multiple threads. The code creates work (of various sizes) and distributes this work amongst threads. The time to perform the work is measured and displayed.

Overall, this shows me that using the default ThreadedEx() is a good choice as it is often the fastest or close to the fastest. However, some of the work has many slow tasks and then many fast tasks. I would expect the WorkStealingEx() to perform well here, but surprisingly (to me) it doesn’t. If anyone has insights into why these results are what they are I would appreciate the input.


Running test: Even work

                       Executor :   max(time) :   Thread  1  Thread  2  Thread  3  Thread  4
                   ThreadedEx() :    2.602936 :    2.500834   2.602936   2.402311    2.50231
                DistributedEx() :    2.542045 :    2.500014   2.542045   2.542043   2.542007
               WorkStealingEx() :    5.000031 :    5.000031   2.517802          0     2.5178
                 DepthFirstEx() :    2.600013 :    2.500021   2.500013   2.600013   2.400038
                   TaskPoolEx() :    2.508705 :    2.500013   2.508554   2.500014   2.508705
           NondeterministicEx() :    3.500061 :    2.000013   3.500061   2.000013   2.500018
                NonThreadedEx() :    10.00007 :    10.00007          0          0          0

Running test: Slow → Fast work

                       Executor :   max(time) :   Thread  1  Thread  2  Thread  3  Thread  4
                   ThreadedEx() :    2.500015 :    2.500015   2.407437   1.708907    1.69881
                DistributedEx() :    2.510014 :    2.510014   2.010114   2.000098   2.500511
               WorkStealingEx() :    5.001415 :    5.001415   1.500349          0   1.690588
                 DepthFirstEx() :     2.50023 :     2.50023   2.185916   2.085845   2.400012
                   TaskPoolEx() :    2.500939 :   0.2765167  0.2807491   2.500743   2.500939
           NondeterministicEx() :    2.381628 :    1.255439   2.381628  0.8501847   1.075577
                NonThreadedEx() :    5.501457 :    5.501457          0          0          0

Running test: Fast → Slow work

                       Executor :   max(time) :   Thread  1  Thread  2  Thread  3  Thread  4
                   ThreadedEx() :    2.510013 :   0.2610509   2.500014  0.3418379   2.510013
                DistributedEx() :    2.500013 :   0.2665398   2.500012  0.3372509   2.500013
               WorkStealingEx() :    2.535267 :   0.6302342   2.535267   2.535244          0
                 DepthFirstEx() :    2.615074 :   0.2563641   0.354758   2.615074   2.615057
                   TaskPoolEx() :    2.500023 :    2.500023   2.400472   2.400192   2.500013
           NondeterministicEx() :    2.023689 :    1.305418   2.023689   1.111898   1.239262
                NonThreadedEx() :    5.604027 :    5.604027          0          0          0

Running test: Random work

                       Executor :   max(time) :   Thread  1  Thread  2  Thread  3  Thread  4
                   ThreadedEx() :    1.526639 :    1.286924   1.510447   1.526639   1.345505
                DistributedEx() :    1.562826 :     1.21845   1.449455   1.562826   1.431401
               WorkStealingEx() :    2.572559 :    2.572559   1.619886   1.451544          0
                 DepthFirstEx() :    1.680727 :    1.220644   1.680727   1.503027    1.48612
                   TaskPoolEx() :    1.698574 :    1.198054   1.550712   1.698574   1.537739
           NondeterministicEx() :    1.595088 :    1.595088   1.234911    0.98544   1.105307
                NonThreadedEx() :    4.879672 :    4.879672          0          0          0


module floop_test

using FoldsThreads
using FLoops  # exports @floop macro
using Printf

Define function that does some work with amount dependent on x 
function doWork(x,worktime)
    # Start timer

    # Get thread id
    # Output to track progress

    # Do work for atleast worktime
    s = 0.0
    while time()-xtime < worktime(x)
        s += rand() - 1.0

    # Store total time to this work 
    xtime = time() - xtime
    return id, s, xtime

Execute doWork in a floop
function flooptest(N,worktime,executor)
    s=zeros(N); id=zeros(Int64,N); xtime=zeros(N)

    ##### Main for loop with @floop #####
    @floop executor for x in eachindex(s)    
        id[x],s[x],xtime[x] = doWork(x,worktime)
    return s, id, xtime

Run test and print results
function runtest(testtype,N,worktime,executors)
    println("Running test: $testtype ")
    @printf("%35s :   max(time) : ","Executor")
    map( id -> @printf("  Thread %2i",id), 1:Threads.nthreads())    
    for executor in executors

        # Run test
        s, id, xtime = flooptest(N,worktime,executor)

        # Analyze & print results 
        print("\n\u1b[1F\u1b[0K") # Clear dots
        @printf("%35s : ",executor)
        # Compute and print time spent working on each thread
        for i = 1:Threads.nthreads()
            for n = eachindex(id)
                if id[n] == i 
                    time_thread[i] += xtime[n]
        @printf(" %10.7g : ",maximum(time_thread))
        map( t -> @printf(" %10.7g",t),time_thread)


# Test parameters
executors = [
        TaskPoolEx(), # recommended not to use in package
        NonThreadedEx(), # all work done on 1 thread (slow!)
random = rand(Nx)

# Run various tests
runtest("Even work",Nx,(x) -> 0.1,executors)
runtest("Slow -> Fast work",Nx,(x) -> x > Nx/2 ? 0.01 : 0.1,executors)
runtest("Fast -> Slow work",Nx,(x) -> x < Nx/2 ? 0.01 : 0.1,executors)
runtest("Random work",Nx,(x) -> 0.1*random[x],executors)
