Hi. I’ve been struggling for nights with combinatorial optimization
Input = matrix with permutation.
Each row represents unit, and column means visit sequence for each place.
e.g) x = [ 1 2 3 4 ; 2 3 1 4 ; 3 1 2 4 ]
it means, First unit visits 1 first, and 2 3 4 in a row. Second unit visits 2 3 1 4
And also I made a function.
Based on markov chain, It calculate an expected complete time(=makespan).
function name is allinone(x). x is a matrix like above
My objective is to find an optimal x (visit sequence).
And if that is exist, I can calculate an expected complete time as well.
For this problem, I’ve searched for many packages, like JuMP, MHLib, ConstraintSolver, Combo(not available) and so on.
Based on that, I made a code like below.
using ConstraintSolver
const CS = ConstraintSolver
prio = [1 2 3 4;
2 3 1 4;
3 1 2 4]
function testing()
model = Model(CS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, 1 <= x[1:3,1:4] <= 4, Int)
for sqd = 1:3
@constraint(model, x[sqd,:] in CS.AllDifferent())
@objective(model, Min, allinone(x))
@show JuMP.value.(x)
But, When I put this, there is a error.
“MethodError: Cannot convert
an object of type VariableRef to an object of type Int64”
How can handle this error? Can I get some advice?
And I’m not sure that I could solve this problem even if I handle this error.
So, Would you got some recommendation for this problem?
Thank you for reading this, and hope some replies.