I imagine many people in our community are, like me, vocal fans of Julia to their colleagues and friends, and I’m certain that many of you have been asked to give “Intro to Julia” talks. I’m guessing that globally there’s at least one such talk a week at Universities/Companies/Meetups etc.
I’d like to know if there are any resources that exist already - e.g. slides, demos, and talking points - that could be helpful for introducing Julia to potential new users? If not, I think we should collaborate on some that would make doing this easier for all of us.
In particular, these would be very helpful:
- A good account of the selling points: why multiple-dispatch is awesome, why fast without trying is helpful for exploring ideas quickly, the power of macros and generated functions, how code-introspection tools like @code_llvm are cool, etc.
- Some good demonstrations that could be run during a presentation to highlight the above
- Good answers to the common objections people have to switching to Julia - e.g. I can just use Numba/Cython, the Machine Learning/general package ecosystem is a little immature and undermanned, array indices are 1-based, etc.
A list of pros and cons vs the other options (Python, R, Matlab, C/C++, Fortran, …) could also be nice. Items on such a list would also be good targets for features and packages that people might work on, since they’d highlight issues impacting wider adoption.
It would be great if we could organise around some (semi-)official resources, possibly a repo under JuliaLang or some other org. Introducing the language to potential new users effectively, is pretty important to Julia’s long term prospects of success IMO.
To be clear, I’m not really looking for those resources to be compiled in this thread just yet - though I suppose if you have good links, you might as well share. I’m more looking for a pointer to a repository of such info, and if that doesn’t exist, a suggestion as to where and how one could/should be created (assuming people think this is a good idea), that we can then flesh out with content and ideas. Also suggestions for a name for the org/repo would be good too - “JuliaEvangelism”/“IntroToJulia” are my first attempts