I have the following code:
!/usr/bin/env julia
using Revise
using Sockets
using .Threads
function loadRuleset(path::String)::Vector{Function}
println("Testing path:"*path)
println("file found: "*path)
rules = Vector{Function}(undef, 0)
open(path) do f
while ! eof(f)
s = readline(f)
iv = Meta.parse(s)
iw = eval(iv)
push!(rules, iw)
return rules
function applyRules(context::Dict{String,Any}, ruleset::Vector{Function})
for i=1:length(ruleset)
function main()
rules::Vector{Function} = loadRuleset("rules.txt")
server = listen(8080)
while true
conn = accept(server)
Threads.@spawn begin
while true
line = readline(conn)
context = Dict{String, Any}("x" => 0)
context["x"] = parse(Int64, line)
applyRules(context, rules)
result::String = context["result"]
write(conn, result*"\n")
catch err
print("connection ended with error $err")
The rules file contains the following:
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["x"] > 50 context["type"]="type1" else context["type"]="type2" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["x"] > 75 context["type"]="over75"; end; end;
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["x"] > 50 && context["x"] <= 75 context["type"]="50-75" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["x"] <= 25 context["type"]="under25"; end; end;
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["x"] > 25 && context["x"] <= 50 context["type"]="25-50" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["type"] == "over75" context["result"]="hi" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["type"] == "50-75" context["result"]="hi-low" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["type"] == "under25" context["result"]="low" end; end
function (context::Dict{String, Any}) if context["type"] == "25-50"
context["result"]="low-hi" end; end
If I open a repl, and run main() connect a client and send a number between 1 and 100 i get an error similar to:
MethodError(var"#5#6"(), (Dict{String, Any}("x" => 40),), 0x0000000000007aeb)
If I use Debugger.jl and @enter main() instead, the code works as expected and the correct response is returned to the client indicating that all the functions in the list of rules has been executed.
Is anyone able to explain what is happening here and how I can update my code to run correctly outside of the debugger.
(NB if I create a test and push random integers into the rules without trying to involve the socket server then it all works fine. Also I’m using a simple C++ socket client but nc works as well)
Many thanks for your time!