Code review: parser and error propagation

I need to write parsers for ad-hoc data formats from time to time. I’ve always wondered if I’m propagating errors in a “Julian” way. I don’t know if it’s the best to represent errors by nothing as in Base.tryparse, a custom error type, or exceptions. Here’s my code for parsing a tuple of two letters separated by a comma. Let me know if the code can be improved.

Tests first, to give an idea about what the code will do:

@test parse_tuple_of_two_letters("a,b") == ('a', 'b')
@test parse_tuple_of_two_letters("a+b") == ParseError("error in parsing comma: Failed to read character")
@test parse_tuple_of_two_letters("1,b") == ParseError("error in parsing 1st letter: Failed to read character")
@test parse_tuple_of_two_letters("a,2") == ParseError("error in parsing 2nd letter: Failed to read character")
@test parse_letter("a") = 'a'
@test parse_letter("1") = ParseError("Failed to read character")

The actual code is below. The code uses a custom error type containing an error string. When the error type is returned by a child function, the parent function adds extra context information to give a sensible error message.

struct ParseError

parse_letter(io::IO) = parse_char(io, Base.isletter)
parse_expected_char(io::IO, c::Char) = parse_char(io, ==(c))

function parse_char(io::IO, requirement::Function)::Union{Char, ParseError}
    eof(io) && return ParseError("End of stream!")
    data = read(io, Char)
    if !requirement(data)
        skip(io, -1) # rewind after failed read
        return ParseError("Failed to read character")
    return data

parse_tuple_of_two_letters(s::String) = parse_tuple_of_two_letters(IOBuffer(s))

function parse_tuple_of_two_letters(io::IO)::Union{Tuple{Char, Char}, ParseError}
    char1 = parse_letter(io)
    char1 isa ParseError && return ParseError("error in parsing 1st letter: " * char1.message) # return the error in `char1` after context information
    separator = parse_expected_char(io, ',')
    separator isa ParseError && return ParseError("error in parsing comma: " * separator.message) #
    char2 = parse_letter(io)
    char2 isa ParseError && return ParseError("error in parsing 2nd letter: " * char2.message) #
    return (char1, char2)

Make sure to test parsing data with non ascii characters, and invalid unicode.

I would also replace the read(io, Char), and skip(io, -1) in parse_char with peek(io, UInt8) and skip(io, 1) if the requirement is met, as not all IO types support negative skipping, and Char isn’t always one byte.


Also, I recommend trying out GitHub - Seelengrab/Supposition.jl: A Julia implementation of choice sequence based PBT, inspired by Hypothesis to test potential edge cases you haven’t thought of.

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Thanks for the reminder. I remember running into this problem when accessing a .gz file as a stream decompressed on the fly using CodecZlib.GzipDecompressorStream.