August 21, 2018, 1:45pm
I was playing around with parse the other day and was a bit surprised by,
julia> str = "foo"
julia> parse(String, str)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching parse(::Type{String}, ::String)
and similarly,
julia> str = "foo"
julia> sstr = SubString(str, 1, 2)
julia> parse(String, sstr)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching parse(::Type{String}, ::SubString{String})
IMHO, having a parse function that can handle these two cases seems like a reasonable behavior and can be easily implemented with,
parse(::Type{String}, str::String) = str
parse(::Type{String}, str::SubString{String}) = String(str)
With that said, I trust there is a reason this is not implemented. My question is, what is that reason?
Parse is not conversion, it is not supposed to be no-op.
And what does parsing to string even mean? The closest meaning will be unquoting a string syntax, which isn’t a no-op. It is not very universal and very syntax dependent though (different language have very different quoting and escape rules).
February 18, 2021, 9:46am
How to implement this kind of operation, without resorting to the above mentioned extension of parse
map(x -> parse(x...), zip((Int64,Float64,Float64),("123","234","234.7")))
map(x -> parse(x...), zip((Int64,Float64,String),("123","234","234.7")))
The first line is executed correctly but the second one has this corner case of parsing one String
into a String
I stumbled upon this when using a regex. Can I somehow type annotate regex capture groups to automatically parse certain groups as integers or floats?
February 18, 2021, 9:53am
A clean solution would be to implement a new function:
my_parse(T, x) = ((T <: AbstractString) && (x isa AbstractString)) ? x : parse(T, x)
map(x -> my_parse(x...), zip((Int64,Float64,String),("123","234","234.7")))
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February 18, 2021, 12:37pm
Would it be ok to import Base.parse
in my own module and then extend it with
parse(String, str::AbstractString) = str
or would that cause some issues? I am not exactly sure how the namespaces work in this situations.
That would be a bad idea, see Style Guide · The Julia Language . Just use the little wrapper function or define you own:
custom_parse(T, x::AbstractString) = parse(T, x)
custom_parse(::Type{T}, x::AbstractString) where {T <: AbstractString} = T(x)
February 18, 2021, 1:01pm
Ah, I wasn’t sure if my extended function “leaks” outside of my module. Thank you both.
Method extensions are “global”.