I have implemented the probability density function for the Pearson-IV distribution. This implementation is based on the R-package “PearsonDS”. Here is the code:
import SpecialFunctions: lgamma, gamma
using SIMD
const M_LN_SQRT_PI = 0.5log(pi)
@inline C_logPearsonIVnorm0(m, nu) =
(-M_LN_SQRT_PI - lgamma(m) - lgamma(m-0.5) + 2real(lgamma(m+0.5nu*im)))
function dpearsonIV_simd(
n = length(x)
(m, nu, location, scale) = params
@assert ((scale > 0) && (m > 0.5))
inv_scale = 1/scale
ret = similar(x)
t = Vec{4,Float64}((0,0,0,0))
s = Vec{4,Float64}((0,0,0,0))
k = C_logPearsonIVnorm0(m, nu) - log(scale)
@inbounds for i = 1:4:n
t = vload(Vec{4,Float64}, x, i)
@fastmath t = inv_scale * (t-location)
@fastmath s = Vec{4,Float64}((atan(t[1]),atan(t[2]),atan(t[3]),atan(t[4])))
# @fastmath s = (-nu) * s
# @fastmath t = t*t+1
# @fastmath t = log(t)
@fastmath t = (-nu) * s + (-m) * log(t*t+1) + k
if !log_p
@fastmath t = exp(t)
vstore(t, ret, i)
return ret
I have benchmarked this code and found that the function costs 31 microseconds on a 1000-element input array x. But the essential computations, namely the multipilcations and atan, cost approximately 8 microseconds.
I want to learn some suggestions on my code to make further improvements, since it will be used frequently in very complicated fitting algorithms. Thanks!
The main suggestion I have is that you are likely this at too low a level. This looks like it would be a good place for LoopVectorization. With that, this would simplify to
using LoopVectorization
function dpearsonIV_simd(
n = length(x)
(m, nu, location, scale) = params
@assert ((scale > 0) && (m > 0.5))
inv_scale = 1/scale
k = C_logPearsonIVnorm0(m, nu) - log(scale)
ret = @turbo @. atan(inv_scale * (x-location))
@turbo @. ret = (-nu) * s + (-m) * log(ret*ret+1) + k
if !log_p
@turbo @. ret = exp(ret)
return ret
Oh this is great! dpearsonIV_lv is your version with LoopVecterization.jl. You can see that it is indeed helpful by cutting the execution time more than half. I have monitored the CPU usage and confirmed that the main job is done within one core.
That would be even nicer. I have checked the LoopVectorization,jl source code, but I don’t have a sharp eye to pin-point the place where @turbo or rather turbo_macro() does the real job on my case to improve performance. But I wish to learn that. Can you give me some hints?
There’s not really a specific “the place”.
But, compared to SIMD.jl, it uses SLEEFPirates.jl for faster log and `astandard.
Using VectorizationBase.jl instead of SIMD.jl might give you similar performance, but LoopVectorization.jl will try and do more clever things (that may or may not pay off).
@Oscar, might be worth fusing loops if using @tturbo? I haven’t benchmarks or checked assembly, but the tradeoff is probably register spills vs threading overhead.
Register spill cost will obviously be different for 16 vs 32 architectural/ named registers.
(To get the above benchmark result, I have just replaced atan by atan_fast in my original implementation of dpearsonIV_simd() and all other settings remain the same.)